Pure Princes - Jamilton

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-published on my AO3 account hamiltonhearts. this is my own work-

Alexander Hamilton's whole life, he was told princes were meant to be pure. Sex was only for after marriage, so when his adopted parents, George and Martha Washington arranged a marriage with the one and only Thomas Jefferson, he was scared to say the least. He had told no one of him being impure. How his body was already ripped away from its innocence. He's had sex already-- well, if you could call it sex. Though, most would call it rape.

The only servant Alexander even let see him anymore was Aaron Burr. He was a nice guy, about six inches taller than him and he never touched Alexander if he didn't want to be touched. Most princes would be bathed and clothed by their servants, but Aaron just shut the door and let Alex do those things himself. Now, Aaron figured that Alexander had been hurt somehow some time ago, but it was not his place to step in. Aaron had given the prince space, but was still protective of the young man.

Luckily in his Kingdom, if you were gay or bisexual or anything but straight, people approved of you. Though, it was advised that you adopted children when you could, as you needed to keep the royalty going. So, when Alexander came out as bisexual, the whole kingdom was fine with it. When Alexander turned twenty one and his parents asked him if he would rather marry a male or female, the kingdom was fine when he said male. So, George Washington set out to find a prince who was gay. Luckily, he came across Thomas Jefferson.

George spoke to Thomas' parents and they also agreed that their son, who was twenty five, needed to get married. The Jefferson's were also fine with Thomas not being straight, as he and his partner could adopt children into the royal family. So, George and Martha told their son about Thomas, Alexander was excited, though he also held other emotions buried inside him. The young red head was ready to meet Thomas, but what if Thomas didn't want to meet him? What if he found out that Alexander isn't a pure prince anymore.

They agreed to meet up a month before the royal wedding, which was September 24th. It was late August, and Alexander had locked himself away in his bedroom. He was sitting at his wooden desk, writing away in another journal of his. A confident knock broke him from the endless chain of words. The young man stood up and opened the door. He his parents and behind them he saw two adults standing there, as well as a younger man who looked taller than the rest, well besides Alex's adoptive father.

"Hello son, may we come in?" George said, and Alexander nodded while stepping out of the way, letting all five people in his room. The parents that weren't his looked him up and down and the father had a look of distaste on his facial features. The youngest of them all gave him an apologetic look and stepped into the relatively big bedroom. Alexander softly closed the door and pressed himself up against the wood. He gulped when noticing all eyes on him but pushed the anxiety away.

He stepped out from the doorway and held out his hand out for the parents which he guessed where Thomas'. He smiled and said, "Hello, I am Prince Alexander of Montpelier." The woman smiled and shook his hand firmly. The father said with an eyebrow raised, "Tell me Jane, why are we having our dear son marry an impure prince?" Thomas followed his father's actions by raising his eyebrow towards Alexander. George quickly walked over towards the two, "Mr. Jefferson, I do not know what you're talking about. My son is pure. He is still a virgin, isn't that right Alexander?"

Alexander put on his confident persona, which was basically a whole lie, "Yes it is. I do not know what made you think that I am impure." Peter just crossed his arms and nodded. The room went quiet and soon all eyes were on Thomas. The taller red head just smiled and said, "The name's Thomas Jefferson." Alexander noticed the slight lisp to his tone, but didn't say anything.Jane blushed slightly and said, "Now, Tom is not... a talker. He doesn't really speak his passions. He never speaks his views. Our other children speak volumes, though I've never heard him utter more than three sentences."

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