Undercover - Mashton

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-its mikey back at it with some top!michael bottom!ashton smut-

Full Title: Mashton: Undercover

Author: HPFangirl71


It starts with a simple kiss...

Stolen in the dark, beneath the blankets under the guise of a tickle war. Ashton's a bit surprised at the feel of Michael's lips as they press warmly against his own. Its awkward but only for a moment because somehow kissing Mikey feels okay. The kiss is brief but it leaves a lasting impression on Ashton. Its all he can think about the rest of the night.

Its two days later when they're all cuddled together to watch some movie on the hotel's pay per view that it happens again. Michael and Ashton are in one bed while Luke and Calum take the other. Ashton waits till Luke and Calum seem preoccupied, squabbling over the snacks they'd brought back from the venue.

He's nervous to make the first move but Ashton knows what he wants. He yanks the covers over their heads and pulls Michael close. Their lips connect and tonight there's none of that former awkwardness, it just feels good to him.

Michael bites at Ashton's bottom lip playfully and Ash slides his tongue inside Michael's mouth. He gets a taste of licorice and chocolate as he explores and deepens the kiss. Michael's hand presses into the small of Ashton's back as Michael pulls him onto his lap. Ashton slides the covers up to further hide what they're doing, although he's pretty sure from the sudden silence that Calum and Luke are doing the same.

Ashton slips a hand around the back of Michael's neck as they continue snogging. They share kiss after kiss; some brief, some lasting, but each one definitely growing with intensity. Michael's hands are sliding up and down Ashton's bare back in soft yet urgent caresses, coming precariously close to the waist of Ashton's jeans.

Both of them are left hard and wanting as they finally break apart. Michael pushes him off his lap almost as suddenly as he'd pulled him onto it. Ashton's left more than a little bit confused as he sits up against the headboard, averting his attention toward the TV. He hadn't expected a few kisses to make him feel like this. He isn't sure what to do or say. He stays silent as he reaches beneath the covers to adjust the front of his jeans.

"Hey, are you okay?" Michael whispers almost as if he really cares.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine." Ashton replies as he reaches for a bag of skittles.

They watch the movie in awkward silence as their bandmates on the next bed stay buried beneath the covers. Ashton's almost jealous of them, the way they don't seem to care who else is in the room. There's a part of him that wishes Mikey hadn't pushed him away. And an even bigger part that wonders just why he did.

Ashton doesn't confront Michael, he's too confused by his own feelings. Instead he buries them away and tries acting like nothing happened. That is until another two days pass and they're getting ready for a show at a new venue. Luke flops himself unceremoniously onto Michael's lap and Michael pulls him in for a hug. Ashton watches in hurt silence. He distracts himself by challenging Calum to a thumb war. They play several times as they wait to go onstage and Calum wins every time because Ashton's mind just isn't in the game.

He can't stop himself from glancing over at Mikey and Luke sprawled across the nearby sofa. Still the show goes off without a hitch and he doesn't speak to Mikey or Luke on the car ride back to the new hotel. As it turns out, he and Michael are sharing one room while Luke and Calum share another. Michael isn't completely clueless, he can tell Ashton is upset with him but he can't understand why.

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