Depression Days - Lashton

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-thanks for like 175 followers lol-


Ashton was currently sleeping until 2 pm. Luckily, it was an off day, from their tour. Michael ran into the room where Ashton was sleeping. He jumped on the bed, and tried to wake Ashton up. He shook him, trying to get him up.

Ashton slowly woke up, but kept his eyes close. He just layed there, while Michael was trying to get him up. Michael soon becomes alarmed, calling out, "Calum! Luke! Get in here! Quick!" Not even thirty seconds later, Calum and Luke burst into the room.

"Guys! He's not waking up!" Michael said fanatically. Luke walked over, and Ashton opened an eye. "Michael, calm down. He's awake."

"Are you hungover or something, Ash?" Luke questioned softly. Ashton said "No, I'm not." And wanted nothing more than to simple go back to sleep. He didn't feel so great, mentally, and didn't want to do anything stupid.

"Can Michael and Calum please leave?" Ashton whispered. He could see the blonde nod, and walked over to Michael and Calum, and nicely asked them to leave. They nodded, understanding that they may have been overcrowding Ashton.

They other boys walked out, leaving Luke alone with Ashton. "How you feeling Ash?" Luke questioned softly. He heard Ashton hum, and then saw him lightly shrug his shoulders. He sighed, "Ash, don't do this."

Ashton glanced up, "Do what?" He mumbled. "Act all depressed. C'mon you were having such a great week!"

"Sorry I can't just easily shake off the depression Luke!" He glared at the blonde. Luke sighed once more, and quickly got in Ashton's bed. The later was very confused, especially when Luke wrapped his arms around Ashton's waist, bringing the depressed boy into his arms.

"What are you doing Luke?" Ashton exclaimed, wanting to know why Luke Hemmings was cuddling him in bed. "Cuddling you. Its obvious you need a good cuddle!"

Luke smiled. The smaller boy sighed but let Luke move his body softly next to his. Luke wrapped his arms around Ashton, and buried his face into the brunet's curls. "What's making you upset?" Luke questioned.

"You see, I don't know. I just want to sleep forever but I don't want to do anything stupid." Ashton said softly, finally relaxing in Luke's strong hold. "I just want to do something, anything, but I know my depression will ruin it."

Luke shushed him, "Sh, Ashy. It's okay. Depression never fully goes away. There will be a day when you want to do something deadly. When you get one of those days, come to me. Talk to me. Don't fall back into your old habits. Okay?" Luke asked.

Ashton nodded, and started to play with the fabric of Luke's shirt. He played with the edges and seams. Luke whispered softly, "Promise me, baby?" Ashton blushed, but said against the soft fabric and Luke's abs. "I promise."

Luke nodded himself, "Good." Ashton smiled, and Luke once more tightened his grip on Ashton. It was more of a squeeze, to show he would be there for Ashton. The smaller of the two smiled and nuzzled his head against the blonde's chest. He soon started to drift off in the tight hold of Luke's arms.

When the taller of the 'couple' noticed Ashton was asleep, he kissed his hair, and whispered, "I'll always be here for you." Luke smiled and fell asleep with Ashton in his arms.


-idk why this is so short. i have a day off tomorrow, so ima post some fuqboi, caught with powers, one shots and maybe the extra chapter in san francisco too-

-mikey { 20-October-2016 }

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