The Tattoo Artist - Lashton

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Dedicated: "one time I made some ramen and attempted to bring it back to my room but I tripped over the carpet and spilled it all over me. I ate it anyway" on 'The Bodyguard' as it made my day.

(Michael- drummer & vocals
Calum- Bassist & vocals
Luke- Lead guitar & lead vocals)


Luke decided he wanted to man up and finally get a tattoo. His band, 5 Seconds of Summer was pretty successful.

His two best friends, Michael Clifford and Calum Hood both had multiple tattoos. He was now 20, and had a day off. He wanted to go get a tattoo, of a song lyric. It was from a Nirvana song, as he deeply loved them. His fandom wanted him to get a tattoo, and he finally found the perfect lyrics that would be imprinted on his skin forever.

"What else should I write, I don't have the right"

Luke walked around town with his hood up and sunglasses on. He tried to blend in, but with his height and broad shoulders, he was almost spotted. A fan came up to him, and asked, "Are you Luke Hemmings?" Luke quickly shook his head, he could see the tattoo shop right ahead.

"Awe, but you look awfully like him." The girl spoke again. Luke was annoyed, but tired not to show it. So, he spoke in his best American accent, even though they were in Australia, "Look, I'm not Luke Hemmings. But, I'll take a picture with you if you want. I just don't want to get mobbed." His accent must have faded, so the girl gasped.

He quickly shushed her and she nodded. "I'm going into a shop right up here follow me, and I'll take a picture in there, okay?" The girl nodded and followed Luke to the tattoo shop. They walked in, and luckily, almost no one was there. The girl took out her phone, and took a few selfies, after Luke removed his sunglasses. She thanked him and said to have a nice day or some shit.

Luke walked up to the clipboard and signed in as 'Michael Hood' because who didn't ship Malum?

He sat down in one of the plastic chairs and waited for his fake name to be called.

A few girls soon walked in, wearing '5 Seconds Of Summer' merchandise. Luke groaned in his head, then finally he heard, "Michael Hood, please come into the back." Luke quickly got up and hunched over, making him seem shorter. He walked into the back, and sat down in the chair the slightly shorter man said to sit in. He heard the gasps come from the girls' lips, but ignored them.

"Now, Michael Hood. Do you just have an idea of what you want, or do you have a picture?" The man asked. Luke didn't look at his face yet, but he said, "Um, I have a rough idea if that's okay." The man nodded, and sat down, and holy shit, Luke thought. He noticed all of his tattoos, his eyeliner, and all of his piercings.

"Okay. Can you please show me, Mr. Hood?" The artist asked. Luke chuckled when getting his phone out. "Please, call me Luke." The man raised his eyebrow and Luke was going through his gallery, "That was a fake name." The artist, this time, nodded his head, and Luke passed his phone to the guy reluctantly.

He's had his phone stolen by a fan before.

The man nodded after looking at it for a few minutes, and grabbed some paper, along with a pencil. "Alright, how big do you want it?" Luke shrugged his shoulders, "Average size, I guess?" The man sighed, but nodded.

The artist started drawing on the paper. After about fifteen minutes, a girl came back with another artist. She gaped at him, "You're Luke Hemmings!" Luke, and the tattoo artist, snapped their heads to meet the girl, but Luke put a finger up to his own lips. She nodded, and Luke walked over to her. "Can I take a picture with you?" The girl quietly asked.

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