Contreltophobia - Lashton

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Contreltophobia- Fear of sexual abuse.

-again, MY story-


When Luke was 17, he was out for a walk. He was going to his friend's place. His friend was Michael, and when Luke was turning the block, he noticed someone following. He was only a couple hundred yards from Michael's but the person got to Luke first.

The person, he dragged Luke to a quiet area, with some trees. Luke was scared, he didn't know what was going to happen. As the man threw Luke on the ground, Luke refused to him into his eyes. He refused to give the person satisfaction knowing Luke was scared. He tried to act calm, and to just go with what was happening.

But what the man did to Luke, it hurt. It was the worst feeling in the world. Knowing someone was touching you so privately, without your consent.

But, let's not go into the horrible details.

Once the man was 'finished' with Luke, he slapped him, and walked away. He left poor Luke on the ground, finally crying. But, Luke tried to focus on the positive. At least he was done. And alive.

Luke put his boxers on, as that was the only piece of clothing that the man didn't rip up too badly. He stood up, and walked the very short distance to Michael's who was pissed that Luke was very late.

Michael heard his doorbell ring, and he stormed over to the door. He kinda wanted to slap Luke for being about an hour late. His green eyes hard and focused on the door handle. So, when he opened the door, he didn't expect to see his best friend almost naked, crying his eyes out.

Michael pulled Luke into a hug, which Luke accepted immediately. He needed nice, human affection. Not whatever just happened to him back there. Luke had deep cuts all over his body, and a huge red mark imprinted on his left cheek.

Michael didn't even need an explanation, as anyone could figure out what had happened. He figured Luke might want to wash his body, so he brought Luke upstairs. He layed Luke down on his bed, and went into his connected bathroom, drawing a bath for the poor boy.


Two years later, Luke was happily at a bar. He could drink legally now as he just turned 19. Well, he could drink last year, but he didn't want to be drunk and taken advantage of. Luke was always the sober one at party, trying to help people if they didn't like the way someone was touching them.

He had developed a phobia. It was contreltophobia, which was the fear of being sexually assaulted. Or for Luke, sexually assaulted again.

And that's the story of how he met his current boyfriend.

Luke was walking around the current party he was at. He saw a girl looking quite scared at the drunk man in front of her. Luke picked up a beer, and walked over there. He acted like he, himself, was drunk. He tapped the man on the shoulder, and saying not to softly,

"Damn, that's a nice girl you got here. Can I use her after you?" Luke slurred. The man, he just grabbed her arm, and walked away. Luke didn't think it would be that easy. But, he walked away with the girl, upstairs. When Luke got in, he set the beer down, and saw the woman backed up against the wall.

"Look, I'm not drunk. I'm not going to hurt you." Luke said softly. He slowly walked towards the woman who whispered, "That's what they all say."

Luke stripped off his shirt, which caused the woman to try to run. Luke caught her, and pointed to his chest.

"You see these?" The woman nodded slowly. "I was once raped. They haven't caught him, but trust me. I don't want to cause that harm upon anyone else." The woman seemed to visibly relax, when noticing how honest Luke looked. How sincere his blue eyes looked.

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