Ashton's Flannels - Mashton

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-thanks for like 150 followers and almost 3K reads on this. btw fairly local is at 2.4K reads, please check it out. along with my short story, freedom. also, fuqboi, san francisco and soulmates -



I was walking into the tour bus, as it was freezing. I don't get why were were in New York City in February. It was some weird number, it wasn't what I was used to. It had an 'F' next to it, and I'm Aussie and these damn Americans won't bother putting the temperature I was used to on the screen. Screw America.

I saw I was all alone, and went to grab a flannel. Or five. Because it was so damn cold. I don't know why, but it was. I didn't even realise they were Ashton's. I didn't care. I was cold as shit, and wanted to warm up.

I heard loud talking outside while I was simply sitting on the couch. I had many pair of socks on, a pair of sweatpants, and like five shirts on. Luke always made fun of me because I was always cold. I would also get chills. I wore hoodies and sweatshirts out in what Americans say, 'ninety degree weather'. I don't know what that meant, but I'm guessing it was hot.

I saw Luke come onto the bus, and he snorted when he made eye contact with me. Here I was, trying to keep my body heat with me. He was wearing a thin jacket and was sweating.

"Dafuq you doing Michael?" Luke said to me. "I'm cold Lukey." I replied. He sighed, "Maybe you need a cuddle?" I nodded, wanting someone to hold me, while I layed my head on their chest.

"Alright fine." Luke walked over, but just then. Ashton came onto the bus. He stopped when he saw us, and tilted his head as if he was confused. "What the hell is going on here?"

Luke laughed and just walked over to Ashton. He patted him on the shoulder, and left to go somewhere. Probably with Calum. Ashton walked over to the couch I was on, and he furrowed his brows. "Cold or something, Mikey?" I nodded, while trying to curl in on myself more.

"Wanna cuddle or something?" I instantly nodded. Ashton was buff and he had strong arms. He would probably hold onto me really tight, and that's all I wanted right now. "Okay, let's go to your bunk."

I shakily stood up, as I was freezing. Ashton put a hand on my back, and I could barely feel it through all of the fabric I had on. "Take some of your clothes off Mike." I blushed, since that could be taken very sexually. "What are you? Fourteen?" I giggled, as he must have read my facial features.

I took four flannels off of my body, as I had five on, and threw them on the floor. I was so cold, but I tried not to curl in on myself again. Ashton layed down on my bunk, and opened up his arms. I got in his grasp, and put my head on his chest. He put a very strong arm around my thin waist, while also putting his face in my black hair. I sighed in content, as I wasn't very cold anymore.

"Mikey, is there any reason you had my flannels on?" I blushed again, but he couldn't see me. "Uh, no? You just have a lot. I'm sorry."

He chuckled, "It's alright Mikey. I find it cute. Just like you." And my face just turned completely red. "Uh, thank you?" I heard another laugh, "Oh gosh, you're so awkward. I love it."

I just nuzzled my head on his chest, trying to end this conversation as I was so embarrassed and flustered. I yawned, as a wave of tiredness had suddenly hit me. "You tired, baby?" I nodded. "Sleep then. I won't leave."

I relaxed and soon fell asleep, listening to the sound of Ashton's heartbeat.

- i know this is mashton, but mashedmashton wanted me to write a mashton one shot, and i ship them a bit, so heRE-

-btw its my birthday hehe-

-mikey {24-September-2016}

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