Hi Or Hey? - Lashton

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On one day, let's say a Monday, Luke was sitting on the tour bus. His bandmates were out doing something. Something that didn't involve Luke.

Luke was cuddling his pillow, because he is punk rock. A punk rock fairy. A ugly fairy too. ( @ all muke fans )

He heard the talking outside, but didn't want to do a damn thing. He was only 20. 20 and bored to death.

Since he was bored to death, he grabbed his phone. He clicked Spotify and started playing 'Bored To Death' because he is an ugly fairy that is punk rock.

A few minutes later, the song was over. But Luke was too punk rock, so he started it over again. He turned towards the door, and saw Calum walking in.

Calum waved at the blonde, who returned the action. Calum hummed along to the Blink-182 song playing, and went to do his own thing.

Luke kept playing the song over and over again. Then, he got a tampon ad. He quickly closed Spotify and went onto YouTube to play the same song again.

He then saw Michael walk in. The red haired boy glanced at the blonde, who waved. Luke thought that Michael would be nice, but no.

He flipped Luke off.

Michael then followed in Calum's direction.

After a few more times of the song playing, he saw the oldest member come onto the tour bus.

Luke just happened to be sitting up, and when Ashton said, "Hey." to the blonde, he smiled.

Luke then saw the dimples appear on the brown haired boy, and Luke replied, "Hi."

Ashton rolled his eyes. Both boys then heard a loud, 'Fuck this.' and loud footsteps.

Out popped a red haired twenty year old, and he said, "Really Lucas?! Really?!"

Luke giggled and said, "Mikey. Is it hi or hey?"

Michael glared and said, "I don't fucking care!"

Luke shrugged, "Pick one."

Michael glared once more, "You know what? Its fucking bonjour!" and left.

Luke then returned his attention to Ashton, who sat down next to him. Luke asked, "Ash? Is it hi or hey?"

Ashton glanced at the lip piercing, and replied, "I think it's kiss me kiss me." and gently placed his lips on the blonde's.

The ugly fairy gasped, but kissed back.



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