The Piano Man - Lashton

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This has three classic late 70's-early 80's songs, here in case y'all wanna Google them:

1) Piano Man - Billy Joel

2) Video Killed The Radio Star - The Buggles

3) The Sign - Ace Of Base


It was nine o'clock on a Saturday, when Luke walked into a bar. He noticed a younger, maybe 22 year old sitting at the bar, looking quite lonely. There was also an older man sitting next to him, as it seemed he was talking to the quiet 22 year old, but the latter wasn't paying attention. Luke sat down at the bar, leaving an empty seat between him and the curly haired boy.

He heard the old man say, "Son can you play me a memory?" The 'son' nodded, and asked, "How's it go?" The man seemed to think for thirty seconds, before saying,

"I'm not really sure how it goes. But it's sad and it's sweet. And I knew it complete. When I wore a younger man's clothes." The younger man seemed to laugh, and replied, "Really, you made it rhyme?" The older man nodded, then started to laugh along with the younger lad.

The younger guy, who was quite cute, walked over to the piano, and the older man followed, leaving their drinks on the bar, making Luke confused.

He heard the man say loudly, "Sing us a song, you're the piano man!" The lad chuckled and nodded, opening the lid of the grand piano. Luke looked quite interested in the piano, he didn't hear when the female bartender came over.

"Excuse me, handsome?" Luke glanced over to her, once he snapped out of his gaze at the piano. "Me?" The lady nodded, "Yes, considering you're handsome." Luke chuckled, keeping his gayness in the closet. Even though he was out. It was just funny to him how heterosexuals flirt, he went along with it half of the time. But, the minute it got serious, he pulled the gay card.

He pulled out his ID, as he was 21. He just got a simple beer, as he didn't want to get wasted anymore. The piano man caught his attention, distracting him from his original purpose. He saw the rest of the bar looking at the young boy, who somehow just got sheet music in front of him. The man announced to the bar, "Sing us a song tonight. Well we're all in the mood for a melody. And you've got us feeling alright!"

Luke glanced towards the door, and saw one of his fellow college mates come in. He took a seat next to the blonde, and ordered a bear as well. His name was John, and was a friend of Luke's. He will most of the time buy Luke's drinks, if they went together.

John pulled out his pack of cigarettes, and a lighter. He offered one to Luke, but the latter politely declined. John was always one to lend to a smoke or a light if you needed one. He wished he was always older than he was. He never wanted to still be in college. He wanted to be actually happy.

"Luke, I believe this is killing me." He said, as the light smile he had dropped. Luke questioned, "What?" John replied, "Well, I'm sure that I could be a movie star. If I could get out of this place." Luke nodded along. If they could just get out of this stupid town, to do what they really want.

Luke then casually brought up John's older brother, Paul. He was a real estate novelist. "Hey mate. How's your brother doing?" John nodded, "He's never had time for a wife, but good I guess."

"Still talking to Dave?" Now, Dave was his best friend. He went into the Navy, and probably would stay in there for life. The two friends never stopped talking, even when Dave got hurt.

John glanced over to the boy playing piano, and eyed the cute boy. He nodded his head along with the melody he was playing, as it was catchy. Luke took his eyes away from John, as he realised he wasn't looking at himself. Luke looked towards the piano man, and saw him take a big breath.

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