Please Don't Go - Muke Fluff

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-i don't ship muke that much, but a lot of people do, so here is some muke fluff-

Full Title: Please Don't Go (Fluff)

Author: mukes_kitty



Luke is irrelevant.

I sat in the house watching him ramble on about me not being home as much as I used to be, then somehow switching that into accusing me of cheating on him, I would never do that.

"Explain where you were the other night until one am!" He exclaimed in my face, I wanted to tell him what was going on but I couldn't. "For gods sake Luke, could you just leave it alone!?" I yelled frustrated.

"No! Not until you tell me why you're always out so late all the time, I never get time with you anymore!" He said with tears in his eyes, Jesus Christ here we go again.

"Luke just drop it" I said pulling at my hair roughly. "I knew it" he said stomping upstairs.

I followed him, assuming he was going to throw a temper tantrum in our room and would need cuddles when he calmed down.

But no,

I watched him get his suitcase out from under the bed and I felt my heart speed up a bit.

"Luke what are you doing?" I asked quickly.

"I'm leaving" he said shoving some things in a suitcase.

"No no no! You're not leaving please Luke, just trust me for once" I said with tears in my eyes as I started taking stuff out of his suitcase and putting it away.

"Michael stop!" he growled, I had never seen him so angry. He grabbed a picture of us off of his dresser but I took it from him.

"Michael give it back" he said grabbing it but I kept my hands firmly on it. We both kept pulling on it and trying to take it until it ripped. "No no no no no! Look what you did!" He yelled.

"I didn't do anything I'm just trying to make you stay please Luke please" I said.

My heart was racing violently and tears were falling from my eyes, I was almost in a full on panic attack because of the mere thought of Luke leaving and not coming back.

"Stop! Please stop!" I yelled taking his suitcase and throwing it across the room, all his stuff falling out. He got up and stomped out of the room as I ran out after him.

He marched over to the front door, putting on his shoes before going to open the door but I jumped in front of it, grabbing his face and kissing him as hard as I could, putting every emotion I was feeling into the kiss until he kissed back.

I pulled away after a while before pulling him in close, pulling his head into my shoulder just to feel his breath on my neck again, I put my free hand across his shoulders, just to feel them again, he wrapped his arms around me.

"Please don't go please please please! I love you so much angel, please don't leave me! I'm nothing without you! I love you so much please!" I sobbed into his neck.

He kissed my cheek again before pulling away and going upstairs to put his stuff away.


A month later we were in another argument about the same thing except it was I that was close to leaving "God would you please tell me why you were out until two am last night?! Could you do that for me since you do nothing else!" He screamed

"You know why I was out so late all those nights? You really wanna know?! It's because I was working overtime so I could buy the perfect ring to propose to you asshole!" I yelled back and his facial features immediately softened into a look of regret

"You want to marry me?" He asked. I nodded "there are you happy now that you know?!"

He shook his head "Mikey no I'm so sorry I'm sorry I'm an idiot" he said coming up and hugging me from behind. "Would you still want to marry me?" He asked and I nodded "ok because I want to marry you"

"But I don't have a ring yet and it's ruined, you know now" I said.

"Not yet it isn't" he said getting on one knee and taking a box out of his pocket. Oh my god.

"Michael Gordon Clifford" I cringed at the sound of my middle name "would you marry me?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled as he picked me up, spinning me around and kissing me

"You're such an idiot Luke" I laughed lightly. "But you love me" he said. "Yeah I do" I said kissing him again


-i edited it a little bit-

-mikey { 

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