Sky’s POV
We were all sitting in the living room sitting on the couch, just talking, when Stormie walked in, “Well, Skylar, we know your birthday isn’t until tomorrow, but you’re going to be spending it with Ross so we figure the rest of us could celebrate a little tonight.” She was holding a cup. I took a sip of water from the glass cup I was holding. She had a birthday cake in her hands. “Oh my gosh, I totally forgot! Where are we going this year Ross?” Ross said, “You know I take you the same place every year.” I said, “I know, I was just messin with you.” She put the cake on the coffee table in front of me. The second I saw the candles something happened. The next thing I knew, my cup of water was in front of me and I was sitting on Rikers lap, clinging to him. I looked around, everyone was staring at me. I just threw water all over the cake to put the candles out. I just had a flashback to the fire when I saw it. The fear, when I knew that Riker was trapped, when the other cast members were unaware, when Ross was asleep. When I saw the flames from the candles, I was terrified. Riker put his hand on my back, “Sky, are you okay?” He looked at Stormie, “I told you not to put any candles.” He took the cup from my hand and placed it on the table next to him. I started crying. He hugged me and held me close. I said, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He whispered in my hair, “It’s okay, why don’t I drive you home?” I nodded, Ross helped me up and everyone gave me hugs, Ross said, “I’ll pick you up tomorrow.” I apologized to Stormie, she said, “No, I’m sorry. I forgot that the fire was a little traumatizing. Happy birthday, see you tomorrow.” She smiled and gave me a hug. I got into Riker’s car and he drove me home. We sat in the car right outside of my place, “Are you okay?” He asked. I said, “Yeah, I’m sorry about freaking out. It’s just the fact that it almost killed me scared me a bit” He laughed, “Yeah, I think more than a bit. But hey, it’s fine. I was a little startled when you hopped up on my lap, I think I have nail marks in my arm. You were really scared.” I said, “I’m sorry.” He laughed, “It’s okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I nodded and we hugged then I went inside.

Don't Look Back
FanfictionDon't Look Back is Book 1 of the Don't Look Back series. Loud is Book 2.