Ross's POV
My phone rang, I said, "Hello?" He said, "I told you not to be there, so I had to take her. Look what you did." I said, "No you knew I was going to be there, you knew I would tell the other guys to watch her, you knew she would run right out." He said, "I have been watching her since I dropped her. But no worries, I'll drop her off at your house when I have what I need. Then the line went dead.
Sky's POV
I woke up feeling dizzy and I couldn't see anything. I could feel that I was in a car. I tried to move my hands but they were bound in my lap. Soon the car stopped and the doors opened. I was pulled out and a bag was removed from over my head, but I still couldn't see because I was blindfolded, and I was gagged so yelling for help wasn't an option. I was walked somewhere, I was guessing I went down a hallway because I could hear the echo of our footsteps. I couldn't tell how many people I was with but I heard multiple feet. Then we went into a room, mostly everyone went out and a door shut. I was sat in a chair and the blindfold was removed. I could see who it was. Dad. He said, "Hi sweetie. Happy to see me?" I didn't answer, I couldn't anyways, there was something in my mouth. He said, "Oh, let me help you out there." He too whatever was gagging me out and then he said, "Now, where is it." I stayed silent. He said, "You can go back to your friends, and I will leave you alone for the rest of your life. Just tell me where you hid it." I smiled at him, he slapped me in the face, "Damn it Sky!" He shouted. I felt blood in my mouth, but I smiled anyways. The next three hits were punches, I felt the bruises on my faces beginning to form. I wouldn't let him win though, and I could take it. I've had worse. The door burst in, "Dad! What are you doing?" Charlie yelled as he ran in. I lied at him. My dad smirked, "Charles, hit her." He said, "No way! Let her go!" Dad smiled and pulled out a gun, "Either she gets hurt or killed, your choice." I winked at Charlie, he nodded at me. We used to have to do this when my parents would get mad at us. Charlie snuck into my room one night and told me his plan on how to make it not hurt so bad. He would wink just before he would hit, so I could turn my cheek along with his fist, it still would hurt, just not so bad. He walked up to me and said, "I'm sorry." And winked, he hit me, but I moved with it. Dad never caught on so we used it. About seventeen hits later Dad said, "Okay, enough." And Charlie stepped aside. Dad walked up to me and Charlie mouthed the words: I can get you out of here. I looked at my Dad. He said, "Where is it?" I smiled and in rage he threw a chair against the wall. He yelled, "Skylar, I swear I will kill you if I have to!" I calmly said, "Then you'd definatley never find it." He said, "What about your brother?" He pointed the gun at Charlie's chest. I said, "You took him from me years ago." He said, "But you still meet with him." I said, "To give him cash to get him out of your hands. I still don't even know his middle name." He knew that we weren't that close. So he lowered the gun. He smiled, "What about Ross?" I froze. He said, "Or his brothers, I know you like them too." I said, "This is between me and you. Not them." He said, "True, but you just won't cooperate." He said, "Last chance." I said, "How do I know you won't just kill me once I tell you?" He said, "You don't." I said, "Then why should I tell you?" He said, "Because I will kidnap all of your friends and kill them slowly right in front of you. I'll let you think about it overnight and you can give me your answer in the morning." He walked out of the room dragging Charlie along with him. I spit the blood out of my mouth when they closed the door. I looked around, I was in my old bedroom. It was completely empty with old blood stains on the walls. Those were mine. About two hours later the door opened slowly. Charlie snuck in. He untied the ropes that tied me to the chair. Then he broke the lock to make it look like I had gotten free by myself. He whispered, "Do you remember how to sneak out?" I nodded, I did it every night when I lived in this hell hole. Charlie ran back into his room. I snuck down the hallway to the window at the end. I opened it up and removed the screen. Then I climbed out and put the window back how it was. Then I ran home and grabbed my phone and called Ross, he was so happy to hear my voice, I told him to tell everyone to pack. Then I called Kelly and Ellington, and told them the same and go to the Lynch's house. Dylan and I grabbed some clothes and things and we ran to the Lynch's, Connor would be fine, Dad knew I didn't like him. When we got there everyone was in the van, waiting for us. We threw our stuff and climbed in the crowded van, happy that Mark and Stormie were on their trip, or else the car would have been stuffed. I was on Ross's lap and Kelly had to sit on Ellington's lap and Rydel was on Rocky's lap. It was packed. We drove to a hotel kind of far away. Then we all checked into two rooms. We all sat in one room and I explained. "My father told me he would kidnap all of you and kill you, don't freak out we are safe here." Everyone was freakeing out. I didn't know how to sugarcoat it. Ross said, "How long do we have to be here?" I said, "My dad wants something that I stole from him a long time ago. I need to find it." Ross said, "Wait, you don't even have it?" I said, "No, but you all need to stay here while I find it." Riker said, "Can we help you find it?" I said, " No, but I'm pretty sure where it is." Ross said, "I'm coming with you." I said, "Why?" He said, "I don't want him to get you again." I said, "Fine, can we take your van?" Ross picked up his keys, "Lets go."
Ross's POV
Sky told me where to go, the park. We got out and walked towards the tree where we first met. She climbed up in the tree and I did the same, "You hid it here?" She nodded, "One place I'll never forget." I said, "So it's up in the tree?" She said, "Yup." She looked in every hole in the tree. I started looking too. In one big hole in the trunk I found a brown box. I pulled it out, "Is this it?" I was about to open it but she took it from me. "Yeah, don't open it." I said, "What is it?" She said, "I can't tell you, not yet." I said, "Okay, how are you supposed to give it to your dad?" She said, "Well, he's going to try to kill me for escaping, but I'll be okay." I said, "I'm coming with you." She said, "No way, I can't watch you while I sneak in." I said, "What do you mean watch me, I can sneak too." She said, "I can't let you get involved, it's already my fault he wants to kill you. Once I give him this, I'll be his only target." I said, "I'll drive you there, I can be your getaway car." She said, "Fine, but you need to be down the street, you can't be seen." I said, "Okay." We got down from the tree and got in the car. I drove her there and she got out of the car, at my window she said, "If I'm not back in twenty minutes, you drive back to your family and don't look back." I said, "What do you mean?" She said, "He's a really bad man Ross, its hard to get by him." I said, "So you're saying he might kill you?" She nodded, "But I might be fine, don't worry." I said, "Just in case." She was about to say what, but I took the sides of her face in my hands and kissed her. When I let go she stumbled back, "Ima go now." And she clumsily ran away. I smiled as I sunk down in my seat. I looked at the clock, 10:45. Was I going to leave at 11:05? No, I would never leave her. At 11:05 I would go in after her. A couple minutes went by, I started to worry. I just stared at the clock. Then it was 11:04. I looked back, no Sky. Then it was 11:05. No, I was going to stay here. About five more minutes went by. Then Sky climbed in the car. I started driving us back to the hotel. She smiled at me, "You don't follow directions well." I said, "I wasn't going to leave you." She said, "Thanks, I put it on his pillow so he will have to see it. Charlie said he'd tell me what Dad decides to do. I'm sorry I got you guys involved." I said, "It's okay, we are going through this with you." I smiled at her, she smiled back.

Don't Look Back
FanfictionDon't Look Back is Book 1 of the Don't Look Back series. Loud is Book 2.