Rocky’s POV
I was so glad we were in the summer, no drama, no school, no stress. The only thing I was stressing about was this girl named Erin. I got a job last summer at a music store, and she has been coming in the same day of the week every week. She looks around for stuff, has a conversation with me, and then leaves. But I think I’m in love with her. We both love the same thing more than anything else, music. I was upset that I’d always have to wait a week before I saw her again. But when she walked in the door at the same time every week, it put the biggest smile on my face every time. The time she came in on, was during my break. So I skipped my break that day every week. I didn’t care though. But I was so psyched because I talked her into going to a summer camp with me in a couple of weeks. My whole family was going except my parents, Ellington, Sky, Dylan, Carissa, and Erin. It was going to be awesome. I drove to work and was stocking shelves when I heard the bell at the door ring. I moved to a more obvious part of the store, so I could see her. Erin walked over to the sheet music section. I picked up a crate of sheet music that needed to be restocked. Then, I walked over to where she was looking. As she filed through the sheet music, I stood on the other side, and put some music away. Without looking up she said, “I’m looking forward to camp.” I still looked down, “Me too.” I said. She looked up at me, “I’m really excited because the guy I’ve fell in love with is going to be there.” My heart fell apart in my chest. She started to walk around to my side. “Oh.” I said, disappointed. She said, “Yeah, he’s super cool. He’s in a band, he’s got a huge family, and we have so much in common.” She was right next to me, I felt her hip brush up against my side. She meant me. My spirits lifted again. She continued, “Yeah, his favorite color is the same as mine, green. And he has super sexy hair.” She combed her fingers through my hair. I turned around so I was facing her. “Really?” I asked. She said, “Yeah, you take really good care of it, and I like how it’s cut.” I laughed, and I said, “No, I meant, did you really mean what you said, you fell in love with me?” She nodded, “Yeah, I did.” I said, “I love you too.” And I held her waist and pulled her even close and suddenly my lips met hers.

Don't Look Back
FanficDon't Look Back is Book 1 of the Don't Look Back series. Loud is Book 2.