Ross’s POV
The nurse started Sky on her new meds and I saw the normal Sky begin to fade, usually, Sky would be funny and smart, but now, she was having issues counting her fingers. She was giggling nonstop, I mean, it was cute, but I was thinking the whole time that if I took the bullet, this would be me. She couldn’t walk right so the nurse offered to give us a wheelchair to bring her to the car, we took it, but I carried her to the car. The nurse said, “She needs to stay in bed for the next two days, after that the pain shouldn’t be too bad.” I nodded and said thank you. I put Sky in the car and looked back at the hospital, I saw Mabel sitting on a bench right outside by the door. I looked at Riker, “I’ll be right back.” And I ran to her. I sat down next to her, “Thank you.” She said, “Hey, don’t look at me, I didn’t do anything.”
Ross's POV
"Ross?" I heard from my room. I ran inside and saw Sky trying to get out of bed. I got in there and made her lay back down. "You need to stay in bed." She was wearing my clothes, she said they were more comfy. It was cute to see her in baggy clothes, she put her hand on my wrist, I could tell that she was still a little droopy. "Why your bed?" She said. I said, "Well, would you rather sleep on my couch or someone else's room?" I laughed as she shook her head and scrunched her nose. I said, "Then you have to stay here." She shook her head again and scrunched up her nose. She grabbed me by my shirt, then she slapped me in the face. I pulled away, "What was that for?" She said, "Being stupid. If you took that bullet, he would still have shot me too." I said, "I wasn't thinking, I didn't want you to get hurt." She kissed my cheek, "You're sweet, but an idiot." I helped her back into bed. She said, "I wanna go with you." I said, "But I'm not going anywhere, I took off work today to look after you." She said, "You didn't have to do that, go to work, Riker's coming home soon anyway, he'll watch me." He said, "Are you sure? You have to promise me you won't leave this bed." She nodded, "I promise." I nodded and gave her a hug before I left. I said, "I'll be back by dinner time, but when I get back you should still be in bed." She said, "I will, just go." She logged and I shut the door behind me. Then I got in the car and drove to the Austin &Ally set. Laura ran over to me, "Where's Sky? She has a lot of scenes to film today." I said, "She needs to stay in bed for a couple days, she's not feeling so good." Laura said, "So, she's gonna make us all wait? That is so inconsiderate, just because she's a little sick. I came to work even when I had the flu." I said, "I know, you gave it to me. And no, she's not sick, she was shot." She went from a sassy face to a shocked face. "You just said she was sick. Is she okay? Why didn't you tell me?" I said, "I don't think she would want anyone to know, but I didn't like you talking about her like that." She said, " Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." I said, "Don't worry, she'll be okay as long as she doesn't get out of bed, she could rip her stitches. She's at my house, and Riker should be home soon so he'll be able to watch her." Laura asked, "How did she get shot?" I said, "Her dad came to her house, and I tried to take the bullet but she pushed me out of the way." She said, "That was so brave of you." I said, "What? No, didn't you hear me? She pushed me out of the way." Then we started filming all of the shots that Sky wasn't in. Then, about ten minutes into it, I saw that Sky was standing behind the camera man, she gave me a big smile and she waved at me. I dropped my prop and rushed over to her. "What are you doing here? I told you to stay home." I picked her shirt up where the bullet wound was, the gauze was still clean. I looked around, everyone was staring at me. I just realized that I lifted Sky's shirt up in front of everyone. "I'm just checking her bandage! It's not like that!" She was laughing, "Sure." She said sarcastically. I said, "Really, I was checking your bandage." She wiggled her eyebrows, "I don't have any bandage." I said, "Look down your shirt." She did and her eyes widened, "Woah, what happened?" I said, "You got shot." She said, "Whoa, epic." She put both of her hand on the sides of my face, "I love you Ross." Then she ran out on the stage. "Sky, what are you doing!" I hissed. She said, "I got this!" Then she turned to the live audience. "Ross was just checking my bandage, I got shot. But it's cool, I'm all good now. But I can't come back yet because Ross doesn't me to die. He tried to take the bullet for me and he brought me to the hospital and got me fixed. Ross Lynch is my hero." The cast and crew applauded me. I didn't know what was going on. Then I got a phone call from Riker. Sky walked over to me. I answered the phone, he said, "Ross, I thought you said Ross was in your bed." I said, "She somehow got to the set, can you come pick her up." Sky said, "I climbed out the window when you closed the door and then got in your back seat while you were locking the door. You never actually left me" Riker said, "I heard that, I'll be there in a few minutes." I was thinking about what she just said, she said she loved me...
Riker's POV
I had Sky in the passengers seat, she was singing a song, it was Everybody Talks by Neon Trees, I loved that song, I started singing it too. When we were finished she started laughing, it was cute, so I started laughing too. She said, "Riker?" I said, "Yes?" She said, "Who shot me?" I asked,"You don't remember?" She shook her head, "No, I don't, I just remember being scared, I don't remember anything, I just remember being scared." I said, "Then trust me Sky, you don't want me to tell you." She said, "Ok, but it wasn't you right?" I laughed," No Sky it wasn't me. I'd never hurt you." She said, "Didn't you hit me with your car." I said, "Well that was an accident and you know that." She said, "Did you shoot me by accident?" I said, "No, Sky, I didn't shoot you, no one in my family would ever shoot you." She said, "Was it Dylan?" I said, "No." I wasn't going to tell her unless she guessed right. She said, "Was it Michael?" I pulled over the car, "Who's Michael?" She said, "Did he do it?" I shook my head, "No, wait, who's Michael?" She said, "He's my dad." I started driving again. I said, "No, your dad's name is Scott." She said, "No, he calls himself Scott so he wouldn't get in trouble, its why no one can find him." I whispered, "Michael." We pulled into the drive way, I took out the keys, "Sky, your dad shot you but he got away. But I think we can find him now." She said, "I wanna help." I said, "When you get better and your meds stop making you loopy." She said, "No, I wanna help you catch him now." I went around to her side of the car and picked her up, I carried her back to Ross's room and made her lie down. I said, "If you take a nap, you can help me." She nodded her head and shut her eyes. I left and came back about half an hour later. She was fast asleep, I ran into the garage and grabbed some fishing string. I snuck back into the room and I lifted her arms to the sides of the bed and tied them to the bed posts. I needed her to stay put because I had to leave. Then I grabbed my coat and ran out the door. I got in the car and drove to Sky's place, I knocked at the door, Dylan answered it, "I need you to take me to Sky's Dad's house" he said, "No way, you know how dangerous he is, why on earth would you want to go there?" I said, "Don't you want this all to be over? Don't you want to see him behind bars, begging for forgiveness?" He nodded, "Let's go." He got in my car then told me where to go. When we got there I handed him my car keys, "Go back to your place and pack some things, you need to spend the night at my house just in case this doesn't go well." He took the keys and asked, "And if this doesn't go well?" I smiled and said, "Let's just say you might get to sleep in my bed."
Riker's POV
I went up to the front door as Dylan pulled away. He knew what to do. I knocked at the door. Mr. Reed opened the door, "Riker, nice to see you, come in please." I stepped inside. "What brings you here?" We went into his living room and sat down. I said, "Well, first off you can put that gun away, I saw that he had his hand in between the cushions. He picked it up and he stood up, "I'm afraid I can't do that, how did you find me? Skylar is the only one who knows I live here." I said, "I'll tell you if you put that thing down." He said, "No, you tell me now, Sky is dead, how do you know." I said, "Well, for one thing Sky and I aren't the only ones who know, for example, the police, who I believe are going to be knocking down your front door any minute now." He pulled the trigger, I looked down at my stomach, I clutched my gut I didn't feel it. I guess I was in shock, but I was bleeding fast. I fell to the floor and said, "Sky's still alive, you have lousy aim." I saw the door burst inwards and Michael drop his gun. I looked down at myself, I was sitting in my own blood. But I smiled as I saw a police officer tackle Sky's dad. Then everything went black. But it was okay, I knew Sky would be okay now, no one could hurt her anymore. No one.

Don't Look Back
FanfictionDon't Look Back is Book 1 of the Don't Look Back series. Loud is Book 2.