Ross's POV
When I woke up Sky was cuddling with me. We were kind of just, intertwined, and I liked it. I tried to let her sleep in but when I moved my arm just so slightly, she spazzed and was awake instantly. "What?" She said. I said, "Calm down. I need to talk to you about last night." She said, "Im so sorry, I shouldn't have showed you that." I said, "No, I'm glad you did. But I did read all of the messages even though you told me not to. What deal was she talking about?" She said, "No, you can never bring that up again, please I'm begging you. Ask me any other questions but that." I said, "Okay, why did it upset you when she 'threw me in your face'?" She said, "Because she knows that girlfriend beats friend." I said, "Wait a minute, best friend beats girlfriend any day. And that part when you said we were the only family you needed, that was really cool." She said, "Everyone think that just because I don't have what they do, that I'm different, like, I'm less fortunate. But really, I have all I need or could ever want." I said, "I need to go talk to Alana. How about we pack up and head back so we can meet up with everyone for breakfast?" She said, "You can't tell Alana you know about the messages." I said, "I can't let her talk to you like that." She grabbed my hand in both of hers, I saw some tears in her eyes. "Please don't." I said, "Fine, for now, only because there is more to the story that I don't know. I wish you'd tell me Sky. If she says something like that to you again you tell me." She nodded. We packed up and went back. I found her phone under my sleeping bag, I needed to see what else was said before that. This deal thing was bugging me like crazy. We went back and had breakfast, was I supposed to just pretend like nothing happened? How could I? I sat down next to Alana, who I saw was giving Sky a look. She saw me and smiled, "Hey babe." I said, "Hi." And she gave me a kiss on the cheek. I ate my breakfast silently. After breakfast we all went on a hike. Halfway through I saw Alana pull Sky aside. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I told everyone to wait up. I pretended to tie my shoe. Alana had her arms crossed, she was talking with Sky, who was answering all of what Alana was saying as if she was defending herself. She shouldn't have to do that. Eventually it got pretty bad and Alana got all up in Sky's face. Sky backed up, but she was near the edge Alana kept walking at Sky and Sky was retreating. I yelled out for Sky but she disappeared over the edge. Everyone else saw and ran over. I went to the edge, I looked down, Sky was gone, into a big dark hole down below. I yelled for Sky. There was no response. I looked at Alana, "What did you do!" She said, "She was yelling at me, I didn't do anything." I said, "That's not what I saw." I pulled a flashlight from my pack and Riker and I climbed down to the hole to save Sky, everyone watched us.
Riker's POV
As we were climbing down to the hole Ross said, "Do Alana and Sky get along?" He laughed. "Hell no! Alana hates Sky." I said, "Does Sky hate Alana?" He said, "No, she's more afraid of her than hate." He said, "What?" I said, "Wait, you don't know about their de- oh, never mind." He said, "Wait, you know about their deal?" I said, "I thought you did, but then I realized how you couldn't possibly." He said, "Tell me. Please." He said, "Right now our first priority is getting Sky out of there." He nodded, "Right." We got to the entrance of the hole and I pointed my flashlight down into the hole, I didn't see Sky. It just kept going. We started climbing down, every once in a while calling her name. When we reached the bottom I looked around with my flashlight, I looked up around the walls, and I found her lying on the bottom. "Sky!" I ran over to her, Ross right behind me. When we got to her, she had a bruise on her forehead, and a cut all along her right arm, it wasn't bad but it was bleeding. I got out the first aid kid and fixed her up. Then I looked at Ross, "She's unconscious, how are we supposed to get her out?" He said, "Tie her to me with the rope, I'll bring us both out of here." I said, "Can you actually carry her? It's not going to work." He said, "I've carried her so many times, of course I can lift her." I nodded and we tied her to his back. We climbed all the way to the top. I never wanted to do mountain climbing ever again. When we got out we untied the two and he put Sky on the floor, I looked at the bruise, it was big and it looked a little swollen. That hole was insane. It was really dangerous. Ross had carried her enough, I picked her up and we all hiked back. Carissa said, "That was very brave of you." She kissed my cheek, I smiled. "Hey, Ross is the one who carried her out of that little cave." She said, "But you fixed her arm and you're hiking back with her, you're her hero." I laughed, knowing that Ross was Sky's only hero, he pulled her out of that fire. Sky was my hero that day, she got me out of that dressing room. I could have died that day, a lot of the people in that building could have died, but Sky risked her life and helped get them all out. She almost died to save us.

Don't Look Back
FanfictionDon't Look Back is Book 1 of the Don't Look Back series. Loud is Book 2.