Sky's POV
Riker called me, Kelly, Ratliff, Dylan, and Erin to come over to their house. We got there and all of the Lynches were sitting around in the living room. Rydel and Riker were standing in front of everyone. We all sat with them. Ross said, "Whats going on?" Rydel said, "Im going to teach at The Rage." I said, "You already do." She said, "In Paris." Everyone congratulated her. Then Riker said, "And we are all going with her. It's only for a month, and I booked us some gigs." Then we all started freaking out. We were all going to Paris! Kelly said, "Why are me, Erin, Sky, and Dylan going?" Riker said, "Because you guys are part of the family now and we want you there." Erin said, "Thats so awesome, when do we leave?" Riker said, "In two days, but we are staying in apartments. We have everything covered already." I asked, "How long are we gonna be there?" Rydel said, "A month." Riker said, "Our apartments are all walking distance apart. So what do you guys say?" Everyone cheered. And in two days we were on a plane headed to France.
Ross's POV
This was it. I was done waiting. I was going to tell Sky how I feel about her on this trip.
Riker's POV
This was it. I was done waiting. I was going to tell Sky how I feel about her on this trip.
Sky's POV
France. We are in France now. Oh my. What if I die in France and Dylan doesn't tell me. The Lynches dropped all of us at our new apartments. I walked into mine. It was huge! I was supposed to live here alone? You could have fit all of us in here? The only people who were sharing apartments were Rydel and Riker, and Ell and Kelly. The rest of us were on our own. We all agreed that every day we would meet for breakfast at a little bakery just down the street. It was creepy because right in front of our apartments was a cemetery. Then past that, you could see an entire city and the Eiffel Tower. It was stunning! Riker said that we had a whole month to see whatever we wanted so we were able to just act like we were home and plan by ourselves. If you wanted to go see something, text each other.
One week later...
We had seen pretty much everything. And every morning we met at the little bakery down the street. What else was there to do? Dylan practically disappeared, he didn't go sightseeing with us, and whenever we texted him to tell us if he could come with us, he said he was busy. I had no clue what he was doing. Every day, I would go and take a bus to the metro, and take a train to the Eiffel Tower and I'd find a bench, and I would sit there all day with a couple of pastries or some gelato and sketch some scenery that I have seen. Sometimes I would see Riker or Ross, maybe even Rocky, they would just be walking around, not together, and sometimes they would lay down in the grass and look up at the tower. I sketched them sometimes. Once, I drew Riker looking up at the tower and he saw me and moved so I didn't finish it. He smiled and came over to me. He sat down next to me. He said, "Isn't it beautiful?" He looked up. I watched him smile, then I continued drawing him in the grass. I finished drawing him, and I left the rest of the scenery to do for later. He looked down at my sketch book. He smiled and said, "Hey, that's me." He pointed at his picture. I said, "Yeah, you like it?" He said, "It's amazing. It really looks like me. Practically a camera taken picture." I smiled he looked at me straight in the eye, we were having a moment. His eyes kept switching from my eyes to my lips, so did mine. We both started to lean in, but then I said, "Wait." I put my hands on his chest to stop him where he was. He said, "What's wrong?" I said, "What’s going on?" He said, "I, I just, I, I'm sorry Sky." He got up and walked away. A part of me wanted to kiss him, but the rest of me knew I couldn't. But I just really rejected him. I threw all of my stuff in my bag and then ran after him. I ran in front of him and stopped him, I grabbed his shirt and said, "I’m sorry." And I kissed him. He kissed back. His lips tasted like mint and vanilla. I felt his hands on my waist, I slid my hands from his chest where i had been holding his shirt, up to the back of his neck. I could tell people were starting to watch because even though my eyes were closed, I could hear them awwing. When I pulled back, I saw a tear fall from Riker's eye. He said, "Did you do that because you wanted to or because you felt bad?" I said, "I wanted to, I really wanted to." He walked me to the bus stop and I went back to my place. I ran inside and and flopped down on my couch. I used the remote and turned on the stereo, it played a nice soothing song. I didn't know if I was happy or not. I liked Riker, but I also liked Ross. Did that make me a whore? No, not unless you go out with both of them. Then my phone buzzed, it was a text from Rydel, it said to go to her and Riker's place for a sleepover, everyone was going. I packed some things then headed over.
Riker's POV
We were having another sleepover party. We always did the same thing and it was starting to get a little bit boring. So I got some real drinks and headed over to Rydel's place where everyone was. I said, "Hey guys, let’s make tonight fun." Everyone cheered and we all poured cups and passed then around. By night time everyone was sitting really close and laughing hysterically. I was used to drinking because I was old enough, but my parents say it’s okay if they drink as long as I'm responsible and make sure nobody does anything stupid. I saw Sky, she had a little more than everyone else because Ross kept refilling her cup. She was laughing at a lamp on one of the end tables like it was hilarious. I said, "Sky, come over here." She crawled over and sat next to me. I put an arm around her shoulder and she put her head on my chest. "Are you okay?" She said, "Rikey, I've never been better." I took her cup from her, "Okay, you're done." She hugged me and said, "I love you Rikey." I said, "You're drunk." She said, "No I’m not. You are." I laughed. Then Rydel said, "Let’s play truth or dare!" We all got in a circle; everyone was basically falling over on each other. Erin and Rocky were kissing. It was kind of funny to see everyone like this. Especially Sky, she had the cutest giggle and right now she couldn't stop. Then we started, Ross said, "Sky, I dare you to kiss Riker." She said, "Okie dokie." She crashed her lips on mine, and kissed me, but it wasn't like the one we had under the Eiffel tower. Probably because she was really drunk right now. When I pulled back she smiled at me then said, "Ryland I dare you to give Ratliff a piggy back ride around the house." I looked at Ross, he was giving me an evil state.
Sky's POV
We played truth or dare way too much. Tonight got a little crazier because Riker bought a lot of alcohol and we were all a little drunk. I got dare and I was dared to blindfold myself and sit in a room in the pitch dark and make out with whoever walked in. I wouldn't get to know who unless I could figure it out myself. I stumbled into the room straight down the hall because it was the only one I could see kind of clearly. I had drank too much. I sat down on the bed and blindfolded me with a tie that was sitting on the desk. I was in Riker’s room. Soon I heard the door open and close, then some footsteps and I felt the bed sink a little more, whoever it was, he was sitting so close to me our thighs were touching. Then, he picked me up and I was in his lap. I put my hands on his neck and kissed him. His hand was on my thigh and the other around my back on my waist. He deepened the kiss. I felt his hand move up my leg a little bit at a time, I pushed it back down. But he kept snaking his hand up. I was too drunk to fight it so I let his hand roam free. It moved to my butt and I put a hand on his chest. About five minutes later, there was a knock at the door and I moved off of his lap. I heard him leave the room and I fell back on the bed. Whoever it was, I felt sparks when we kissed. I wanted to know who. I undid the tie from my eyes, and I stumbled back to the group. Everyone laughed, I looked in the mirror that was on the fridge in the kitchen, everything looked fine. Then I looked down at myself, my skirt was all twisted up, he had his hands under my skirt? I didn't even realize. I moved it back so it looked normal. Then I said, "Please tell me who it was!!!" Everyone shook their heads. I sat down next in the middle of the circle facing the boys. I turned to scan their faces, they were all smiling so I couldn’t tell. The lip gloss that was on my mouth wasn't on any of theirs. I said, "Well played. Well played." And I crawled back to my place in between Riker and Ross. Eventually everyone passed out except for me. I needed to know who kissed me, who made me see fireworks in my head as we kissed. I looked at Ross's face. He was fast asleep. I scooted closer and his arms wrapped around me. I put my hand and head on his chest. He cuddled me, and held me close, he had firm hands and a right grip. But I couldn't remember anything about the features of who kissed me. Then I passed out in his arms.
Sky's POV
The next day I woke up, my head hurt. I sat up and groaned. Then Riker came over with a glass of water and an Aspirin. He handed me both and sat down next to me. I said, "Where's everybody else?" He said, "They left, it's noon already." I said, "What? I slept in till noon?" He nodded, "Yeah, you okay?" I said, "Yeah, I've never had that much to drink before." He said, "I noticed." He smiled and I said, “So, do you have anything in particular that you’re doing today?” He said, “Yeah, you wanna join me?” I nodded, “Sure.” He helped me up and walked me back to my place, I got ready and I went with him. He took me to so many beautiful sights and gardens. And he bought me a gelato and we shared a croissant in the park.

Don't Look Back
FanfictionDon't Look Back is Book 1 of the Don't Look Back series. Loud is Book 2.