Sky's POV
It was better this way, I could pretend like nothing had ever happened. Like it was all ok. And no one would ever know. I never lost my memory, I just acted like I did. It was night time now and I went to Riker, "Where do I sleep?" He said, "You're in Ross's top bunk, and I'll help you find your stuff. I'm just glad you're okay." I said, "Me too." He said, "So are you going to go check on Butter?" I said, "Yeah, wait, no." He said, "I knew it, you didn't lose your memory." I said, "Please don't tell anyone. Please." He said, "I understand, don't worry your secrets safe with me." I said, "Thank you." He said, "Good night Sky."
Ross's POV
It was about four in the morning when we heard screams. It was in our cabin, I stood up immediately. All the guys were up and looking at me, Riker pointed at my top bunk. It was Sky. I turned around to find her flailing, I didn't know how to stop her so I just bear hugged her. She was screaming words, "Stop! Please! I said I was sorry!" I sushed her until she stopped and woke up, she was shaking like crazy. She looked around and saw all the guys around her, "Im so sorry." She said. I said, "I think you had a bad dream." She said, "Ouch." And tried to move her left arm but she couldn't it was like it was stuck to the wall. "What on earth?" Riker said. She ripped her arm from the wall. Not a smart move. Her wrist got caught on a nail that had dug into her skin, deep. She put her face in her pillow and let out a scream. I looked at Ryland. "Grab the first aid kit now." He ran to the closet and got it. She was bleeding but not too bad. Riker said, "I got it, everybody just go back to bed." We all got back in our beds but they all watched except for me because I couldn't see. She was flailing so she must have hit the nail. I just couldn't believe that she tore her wrist off of the wall. About at five in the morning I woke up because I heard Sky, she was taking sharp breaths. I got out of bed and looked at her, she was pale and sweating like crazy. I put my hand on her shoulder, she was freezing cold. "Oh my gosh. Guys wake up!" I yelled. They did and ran over to Sky's bed. Riker picked her up and moved her to the couch. We tried to wake her up but she wouldn't. "What's wrong with her?" I asked. Riker, "I don't know. The nail must have been rusty and infected her arm." I said, "Didn't you clean her wrist before patching her up?" He said, "It didn't look that bad, I didn't think I had to." I said, "Unwrap her wrist." He did and it was purple. "Oh my gosh." He whispered. He said, "All of you just, I need some room, can you just wait out in the main cabin for a while?" I said, "Just take her to the empty cabin. The one with the big bed." He nodded, "Okay, Ross, can you bring the medical supplies." I nodded. He scooped her up in his arms and brought her to the last cabin. I was starting to freak out. "Should we call 911?" I said. Riker said, "It'd take them forever to get here, we're in the middle of nowhere. Just let me take care of her, Ross don't freak out, I can do this." I took some deep breaths and walked out of the cabin.
Riker's POV
I finally got her to breathe normally and to stop shaking. But she still wouldn't wake up. She stopped sweating but she was still ice cold. I put a lot of blankets on her. I still felt a pulse, so I knew the infection didn't kill her, thank goodness. I sat next to her on the bed and held her hand. I fell asleep, but I woke up again a couple of hours later, I felt something gripping my hand so tight I almost screamed, I sat up, Sky was gripping my hand. I shook her shoulders a little bit and she sat up and screamed. Ross ran in, and I put my hand on Sky's back. She was taking small short breaths. "Shhh, just breathe." Her breathing slowed and she looked at me. Then at her wrist, I had rebandaged it. She said, "Okay." Ross said, "You good?" She nodded and he said, "Alright." And awkwardly stepped back out. I said, "Why don't you just sleep here tonight?" She nodded and I stood up, she said, "Wait, can you stay?" I turned around, "You want me to sleep with you?" I realized how bad that was worded. "I mean, you want me to sleep here tonight?" She laughed, "Yeah, I don't want to almost die again." I awkwardly laughed and said, "Yeah, that was bad." I crawled under the sheets and said, "Just warning, I do what Ross does, I don't mean to, but when I wake up I am." She said, "The cuddling thing?" I said, "Yeah, we all do that." She said, "I know. It's okay." Then we went to bed.

Don't Look Back
FanfictionDon't Look Back is Book 1 of the Don't Look Back series. Loud is Book 2.