Ross's POV
I walk in late to first period and find Sky with her head down at her desk. Her face was so expressionless. I said, "I came to pick you up earlier but you weren't there, Dylan said you walked to school." She didn't move. I said, "Is everything okay?" Again, not a single motion. The bell rang and over the intercom the principals voice said, "This is a very important message. Something tragic has happened to one of our students. Charles Reed was murdered last night. We have no details and please do not start rumors. We know he had a lot of friends so we are sorry for your loss. And to his sister Skylar Reed, offer our condolences." Sky put her head straight down in her arms that were crossed on her desk, buried in the sleeves of her hoodie. The room was silent. Some jerk said, "How'd he die Sky?" And Sky got out of her seat and ran out of the room. I chased after her. I said, "Sky, Sky wait up, stop." I caught her and hugged her. We collapsed on the floor, I wouldn't let go. She clung onto my arm. Her head was resting on my chest, I felt her hot tears soaking through my shirt. She was crying hysterically, then she said, "He did it, he did it." I said, "Who?" She said, "My dad." And I squeezed her tighter, as tight as I could so she knew I was there. I said, "I am so sorry." She said, "It's my fault." She couldn't stop crying. I said, "Don't you dare think that Sky, it is not your fault, your dad is insane, it was all him." She looked me in the eyes, "No, I asked him to meet with me, I did. My dad must have found out and gotten mad." I didn't know what to say, he was insane. I said, "It's not your fault Sky, its not." She was shaking. Then Riker ran into the hallway from his class down the hall. He ran towards us and joined the hug. "I'm so sorry Sky." Then the rest if my family and Kelly and Ellington joined us. When the bell rang Sky got up and went to her next class, I could see her shoulders sagging. She walked down the hallway until we couldn't see her anymore. Rydel and Kelly were crying. We all went our separate ways and all I wanted to do was be with Sky, I didn't want her to be alone through this. I texted our group except for Sky: We all need to sleep over at Lynch house, we can't let Sky go through this alone. We need to be there for her. I got yes's from everyone and Dylan said he'd make sure she came. At lunch I didn't see Sky. I walked around the courtyard and I couldn't find her. Usually she sat with us under our tree. Then I remembered the first day I met her, up in the tree. I looked up and saw her up there. I climbed up and sat with her, she had her back to the trunk and she was holding her knees in. I said, "Did the police arrest your dad?" She said, "No, they don't know who did it yet." I said, "Then how do you know it was your dad?" She said, "Because he called me last night and told me I was next. I freaked out and called Charlie's phone a million times. When he didn't answer I knew what he meant. Dylan kept trying to get me to stop calling. I knew he was dead but I didn't want to believe it. So I kept calling." I said, "Your dad-" she cut me off, "Don't say that ever again, he is not my dad, he is a monster." And she hopped down from the tree. Then she picked up her book bag and walked away. In our last period where I sat next to her I said, "I'm sorry." She said, "It's okay." I said, "Are you okay?" She said, "No, no I'm not."
Ross's POV
After school everyone was at my house with their stuff we were sitting in the living room waiting for Dylan and Sky. It was already eight and still no sign of them. The at eight fifteen Dylan came in. I said, "Where's Sky?" He said, "She's, gone." Tears began to form in all of our eyes, he said, "No, no, bad word choice, no she's not dead, I meant she ran away." I stopped, "Why the hell didn't you just say that? Dude you broke my heart for a second. What do you mean she ran away?" He said, "Her window was open and she was gone, she left. But don't freak out, have your sleepover I texted her to come here and I guarantee she will come." Ellington said, "How do you know?" Dylan said, "Because I've seen this before. She just wants to be alone for an hour or so to let it all out. Then she'll go back and bottle it up and she'll act fine. Really think about what you say though, don't even talk about Charlie." We all nodded. And we put in a movie but you could tell no one was paying attention, we were all worried about Sky. About at eleven at night our movie finished and we were sitting around the coffee table playing cards. Then the front door opened. It was just my dad, he was holding a bunch if groceries. Mom and dad got home this morning, we didn't tell them anything. He said, "I know death isn't the same as a breakup but ice cream makes everything better." We all smiled and helped him unload. There were so many different types of ice creams and toppings. Then Sky walked in the door. She was smiling, but super pale and she looked a little sick. Rydel said, "We were waiting for you, we're about to make ice cream sundaes." Sky said, "Sounds great." With a very happy tone. We all knew she wasn't okay though. But we went along with it anyways. We set up all the tubs of ice cream and made our sundaes. When Sky reached for a bowl she had a bandage wrapped around her hand. we all saw it, but tried our best to ignore it. The we finished making our sundaes.They all looked awesome so we took a picture and dug in. At two in the morning everyone finally fell asleep. Sky was laying next to me. She turned over so we were face to face. I couldn't sleep and I knew she couldn't either. She said, "Don't worry about it Ross, it's okay." I said, "What happened to your hand? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She said, "I went to his house and sat on his front lawn with a knife, deciding on wether or not to go in. When I realized I couldn't do it, I started crying, and I gripped the knife in my hand and it cut me. Ross I didn't even feel it, that's how broken I feel." I said, "Then don't pretend that you're okay. Everyone hurts sometimes, but if you bottle it up inside, it only feels worse." She said, "I can't do that." I said, "Sky, how did Charlie die?" She said, "He was beaten, then stabbed, ten times. And his body was in a garbage bag in a dumpster. The police were at my door step at one in the morning." I said, "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of this." She said, "He said I was next. Ross, he's going to kill me." I said, "There is no way I am going to let that happen."

Don't Look Back
FanfictionDon't Look Back is Book 1 of the Don't Look Back series. Loud is Book 2.