Sky's POV
We were sitting at the airport waiting to get on our plane. I brought my ukulele with me so I unzipped it from its case and started playing an R5 song. Ross jumped in and started singing too. Then everyone else. The people around us really seemed to enjoy it. Later when our mini concert finished Ross went over to a wall outlet to charge his phone. I went over and sat down next to him, leaving the rest of the group. "Hey." I said, he laughed, "That was really cool, we've never done that before." I laughed, "Well, it was so boring before." He leaned his head against the wall, "What's going on Sky?" I looked over at Alana and Carissa. "Nothing." Was he talking about Alana or the fact that I avoided him? He said, "You used to tell me everything, now I feel like your hiding secrets." I said, "I'd never keep anything from you, remember? You're my best friend." He said, "And you're mine. But what about a few days ago, you got hurt, by who? You avoided me for three days. Sky I need to feel like you'll be safe when we get home." I leaned over and gave him a big hug. Alana looked over at me and frowned. I let go of Ross. He pulled away too, "Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you something. There are only two bunk beds in the girls cabin, so those are being used by Kelly, Rydel, Alana, and Carissa. Either you could sleep on the couch, in the extra cabin by yourself, or in the boys cabin. I don't have anyone in my top bunk." I said, " Ok, I'll take your top bunk." He said, "Ok, cool." Then we got on the plane. Kelly was sitting in between Rydel and Ellington. Riker was sitting between Dylan and Carissa. Ross was sitting in between Ryland and Alana. So I had the window seat, and was sitting next to Rocky. I was so lucky that I had the Lynch's, they always looked out for me. I had my earbuds in and I was writing in my songbook some new lyrics I was working on. I had always been writing my own songs but I never played them for anyone. Everyone knew I could sing and write really good poetry, but they didn't know I could put them together I guess. Rocky woke up and I could tell he was looking at my book, he tiredly said, "What's that?" I said, "Nothing." I closed the book and he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to him, I laid my head on his chest while he held me, and we both fell asleep.
Sky's POV
I woke up to a flash. I woke up, Rocky too. I rubbed my eyes. Rydel was holding her phone pointed at us, she turned it around to show us the screen, I squinted to see, it was a picture of us cuddling. That was awkward. She said, "Which one first, twitter or instagram?" I said, "Neither." And Rocky said, "Twitter." He laughed. Then he looked at me and laughed, "I'm kidding." Rydel said, "Opps, to late!" All cutesy. I got a notification on my phone, I looked at it, it was the picture on twitter. "Terrific." I said sarcastically. Oh well. The rest of the flight me and Rocky joked around and had funny conversations. When the plane landed we got a rental car and drove to the property, I sat on Rocky's lap this time. Everyone went into their cabins except for Ross and I. We dropped our stuff outside of the cabin, and ran. We ran to our spot by the lake. It was a really big rock that was on the edge of the lake. You couldn't dive off of it because that part of the lake was too shallow. We kicked off our shoes and sat on the edge of the rock with our feet in the lake. Every time we would come to camp we'd sit here and talk most of the time. Camp was the place where I caught my first fish, Riker showed me how. Where I got my first kiss, Rocky during truth or dare. This is where Ross and I became best friends. I smiled and he looked at me, "What?" He said. I said, "Im just remembering what we did here." He said, "I remember the first time my dad brought us here, we never wanted to leave because we had such a good time. So we hid in that little closet in the main cabin." The Lynch's bought the property a long time ago, it was in Colorado. How the camp was set up was there were five cabins. The boys cabin, was the biggest out of the sleeping cabins. It had a TV, a couch and a bunch of bunk beds, and there was a lot of empty space so you could move around easily. The girls cabin was smaller it was two bunk beds, a TV and a couch and one wall was entirely a mirror. And the last sleeping cabin was where my parents would room, it was just one bed that could fit two people and a TV. And every cabin had a closet. There was the bathroom cabin, which had a boys bathroom and a girls bathroom, with toilets, sinks, and showers. Then the main cabin, it had a big kitchen and a stage and a huge TV, lots of tables, a big supply closet, and an extra little room, we never used the little room though. The cabins overlooked the lake. And our rock was on the far left of the lake. That was pretty much it. It wasn't much but it was a lot for a small number like us. Then we walked back to our cabin. The rest of the boys were unloading their stuff. There were drawers underneath the beds. The one on the left was for whoever slept on the bottom bunk and the one on the right was for the top bunk person. Ross and I put our stuff away and Riker said, "I'm going to the store to get lots of food for the kitchen, so I'm going to ride into town, anyone else wanna come?" I encouraged, "Go ask Carissa, I'm sure she'd love to go with you." I winked, he got what I was trying to say, he nodded and walked out the door. It was kind of late so everyone showered and went to bed. It was really cold out so everyone was burrowed in their blankets. I was wearing my pjs which consisted of a tank top and shorts. The weather was nice, it was cold, but warm enough to swim in the afternoon. I grabbed my coat and my converse and snuck out the door. There was a swinging bench on the covered patio on each cabin along with a bench. I sat on the bench and put my shoes on. Then I put my coat on. My legs were still cold, but I'd be fine. I never really got that much sleep so I'd go out on walks late at night sometimes. And it was great here because there were so many paths I could take. I put in my earbuds and listened to my music. I was walking for about half an hour when I heard a twig snap from behind me, I turned around, and saw that it was just Rocky. "Gosh! You scared me! What are you even doing out here so late at night? And why are you following me?" He said, "I saw you take off, so I followed you, and then when I realized you were going on one of your walks I tried to go back but I had no idea where I was so I kept following you, I'm sorry if I scared you." I said, "No, it's okay. Here let's go back." He tripped on a rock so I grabbed his hand and caught him, then we kept walking. I looked down and noticed we never released our hands, but I didn't mind. I asked, "I thought your friend Erin was coming." He said, "Yeah, next week, but she has to work this week." I said, "So, you like her?" He said, "I don't know, there's another girl I think I like." I looked down at our hands then back at him, "Oh." Then we got back to camp and went back to bed.

Don't Look Back
FanfictionDon't Look Back is Book 1 of the Don't Look Back series. Loud is Book 2.