Ross's POV
I woke up to screams. I looked around, everyone else had woken up too. It was Sky, she was gone. "Where is she?" I said, standing up. I looked over to the lake she was laying just by the edge. I ran over and picked her up. She clutched my arm. I went back to the group and sat back down with Sky in my lap. I said, "Sky, wake up." She calmed down and soon her eyes fluttered open. "What, what happened?" I said, "You were by the lake, screaming." She said, "Just another bad dream." Erin said, "What was it?" Sky said, "Just, forget it. It's okay. I'm sorry I woke you guys up." We all went back to bed. The next morning when I woke up Alana was laying her head on my chest and I looked over at Sky, she was clutching her pillow. I rubbed her back and she slowly loosened her grip. Then I saw Riker walking around, I switched myself for a pillow in Alana's arms. Then I stood up and walked over to Riker. I said, "What do we do about Sky? She was so close to the lake, she could have drowned if she was on the water." He said, "I don't know, I just really want to know what her nightmares are about." I said, "Me too, and we need to make sure Sky doesn't fall asleep on the plane." He said, "Definitely." I said, "How about we make breakfast, we know how to make pancakes." He nodded, "Yeah, everybody loves pancakes." And I said, "I want to bring Sky inside with us, put her on the couch so she doesn't walk over. She really hates being temporarily handicapped." He nodded and I gently picked up Sky. We went inside and started making pancakes. About half an hour everybody was up and inside eating our pancakes that turned out pretty good. Sky looked at me and smiled, "So I was wrong, you boys can cook." I said, "Yeah, just ignore the first burnt batch in the garbage." Everybody started cracking up. Then after breakfasts we all packed up our things and loaded the cars. Everyone climbed in. Carissa, Kelly, and Alana drove to the airport with Erin. The rest of us climbed into our rental car. It was tight but we were used to it. Hours later we were in our terminal waiting to board our plane. Alana was happier now. Thinking Sky forgot everything made her feel like nothing had ever happened. So it was better because there were no silent wars behind my back. I was sitll pretty mad. We got on the plane, and the seating was:
Riker, Sky, Dylan
Carissa, Rocky, Erin
Alana, Ross, Ryland
Kelly, Ellington, Rydel
Riker let Dylan know he had to make sure Sky didn't falls asleep on the plane so she didn't have another nightmare.
Dylan's POV
I was sitting in the isle seat next to Sky. She had her head leaned back, like she was about to go to sleep. I said, "Hey Sky, I'm bored lets play tictactoe. She said, "Im tired Dyl, I just want to take a nap." I looked at Riker, he said, "Sleep when you get home. How about we play some cards." She said, "Fine." And I pulled out a deck from my backpack. We played cards for the rest of the plane ride, all three of us were dying of boredom. Sky said, "Im really tired Dyl, I can't take another round of go fish." I said, "But you can't sleep." She said, "Why not?" Riker said, "Because its pointless to anyways. We're about to land anyways." She said, "True." And put her earbuds in and took out her sketchbook and started sketching. It was okay if she started freaking out at home with her nightmares, because I was there, but on a plane full of people, it wouldn't look too good. We landed and the Lynch's drove home and Sky and I got a ride in Erin's car. I looked at Alana who was talking to Sky. Carissa was sitting in the front with Erin. Alana said, "Well, I'm going to miss you Skylar." Yeah right bitch. I was there when she told Sky she was moving and she threatened Sky if she told. Sky smiled, "I'll miss you too." If she hadn't lost her memory we wouldn't even be in this car. Erin dropped us off at our place and we thanked her for the ride. We unpacked our things and then we were sitting in the living room. "I'm so happy we're home." I said, so relieved. She said, "I never forgot." I said, "What?" She looked at me, "I never lost my memory." I said, "Yes, you did. You didn't remember anything." She said, "I was faking it. I just wanted her to leave, I didn't want any more drama." I said, "Why didn't you tell me?" She said, "I slipped with Riker, and he found out. I didn't want you to. But you can't tell anyone now." I said, "Okay, I won't, I promise. But next time, tell me." She said, "I will, I'm gonna go to bed now, Im so tired." I said, "Okay, 'night." She said, "G'night." Thirty minutes or so went by, she took her shower and got into bed. I remembered how she had moved from her sleeping bag to the edge of the lake at camp, so she was sleepwalking too. I took my comforter off of my bed and wrapped myself up right outside her doorway, so if she left her room I would get hit. And I would be able to hear her freaking out and stop her. About three hours later I heard a scream. I got up and walked in, she was squirming around in her bed. I got in her bed and cuddled her, I knew it worked when Ross did it, she stopped.

Don't Look Back
FanfictionDon't Look Back is Book 1 of the Don't Look Back series. Loud is Book 2.