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^^ The alley ^^

--- Hephaestus's POV ---

I should make sure to bring this metal to my familia... It's wonderful for some of the beginners...

I was hauling a sled full of sheets of metal, through the streets of Orario, towards the main workshop, in Babel Tower.

I heard a shout, then a roar that sounded like a Wolf-Kin in pain.

(This is a "Type" of "monster" in Babel, akin to the beast people around Orario, but each is born with a large amount of power.

Theories state that it's being born and raised on the 30th floor that makes them grow so fast, so strong. This was the reason for the original hatred towards their species.

They're sentient, and highly intelligent, living in a tribe-setting. They're typically non-aggressive and even helpful unless provoked, but massively lethal when so inclined.

Sometimes they even move to the 18th floor and act as traveling merchants or mercenaries, as part of parties of adventurers going into the deep floors.

They're One of the few monsters not spawned by the dungeon, as they are actually born naturally amongst one another, like all mammals.

They were banished into the tower long ago by jealous mages, and as such, are the only monsters allowed to freely enter and leave the barrier keeping monsters in the tower.)

I rushed towards the sound, to find a hooded shadow running away from a form on the ground, bleeding heavily from his side.

Maybe I was mistaken? No, Wait, Shit... Do I chase the attacker, or try to save the-

"Faugh! Schwarz!" The man groaned, in an oddly pronounced German. (Schwarz-dark, he basically said 'fuck! coward!', or 'Dark' could mean 'enemy' or 'thief'.)

I tsk'ed and ran to his side. "Hey, stay awake, I'm going to seal the wound!" I said, holding up my torch.

He grabbed my hand. "Nien. In-Inte-Internal, He-Hemorrhaging! Let, (cough) Let it drain!"

A doctor? Interesting. Alright.

I waited for the blood from the chest cavity to empty, and then pressed the torch to the hole, on both sides, burning it closed.

He's wheezing slower now, weaker, but he isn't bleeding anymore... Dammit!!! What do I do?!?

The nearest Doctor is only semi-conscious, and the next is too far!... I'm only a blacksmith!!!

I got an idea. A crazy one.

If I make him one of my familia, the bond will heal him a little, enough to get him to a real doctor!

And then I can cancel the contract later, if he doesn't want to be part of my familia!!!

"Hey!" I slapped him, to wake him up. "Answer me! Will you be one of my Familia? Answer!!!"

"Ja..." He said softly, and I grinned in victory.

I slammed my hands down on his chest, and summoned my divine power, contracting with him.

The Babel MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now