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^^The 29th floor boss^^

--- Fallen-Rains POV ---

I walked down the dungeon, trapping weaker monsters in dead ends for the weaker adventurers to gain experience in close quarters. I saw a Lvl 2 pressed against the wall by three minotaur's, and sighed. I darted over and snapped off their horns before they even noticed, and then pulled the magic stones out of two of them, killing them. I left the last one to the Kid, who I recognized as Oscar, and he killed it a minute or so later.

I have six more horns... Wait, nope. Five. One dissolved. What to make with there? Hmm... I stacked them on top of one another, and they were almost six feet tall, collectively. I grinned, and when we stopped to camp in a small safe-zone, I melted the five horns, along with some Silverite Ore I'd picked up.

I smelted them together, singing magic of <True Finding>, usually used on arrows, and eventually gaining a staff of red metal with silver streaks running through it. I started to sigh, but then saw a man holding a giant Dragons Tooth, exactly the right size for a spearhead, if folded, but he had a big slice on his scalp, that both looked and smelled infected. I walked over, and knelt in front of him. "I'll make you a deal, kid. I'll heal that nasty head wound, and give you a bag of Silverite, and you give me that tooth. Deal?"

He looked wary. "How big a bag?" I showed him a bag the size of my head, about a quarter of my reserve. He grinned. "Deal." I laughed and handed it to him, and started healing his head. I removed the infection, and sewed his scalp back together, and finally regret his hair in the spot that had been shaved.

I smiled. "You're good as new! I even grew the hair back." I said. He grinned and handed me the tooth. I took it and sat back down at my station, and noticed Mariposa looking uncomfortable. "What's wrong, Butterfly?" I asked.

She sighed. "It's nothing."

"Didn't we agree not to lie to one another?" I said.

She sighed again. "I'm tired of the looks they're giving me." She nodded at the male adventurers ogling her. I nodded. Then I slung one of the coats of Iron hide Rabbit I'd made over her shoulders. I wore one as well as Sam already.

"I thought I'd given you yours. Sorry."

"You did. They took it." She said quietly. I looked again, and one was indeed wearing my coat. I stood, carrying my new staff, and walked over. I slapped his face with the staff, knocking him on his ass.

I stomped on his chest, growling. "Steal from me again, and I'll gut you and choke you with your own intestines, and then flay you living.  I'm a doctor. I'm skilled enough. You wound let die, but you'd wish you had. Am I clear?" I said, and took the cloak off him. He looked away, and I stomped again. "Am I clear? She's mine. Screw with her, you piss me off. You wouldn't want to piss me off, yeah?" I asked.

He shook his head, coughing. I kicked him in the jaw, breaking it, and then said "I charge a thousand, for every broken bone." I walked back over to my station, and Called Sam over. I handed him the staff. "Twirl that." I said.

He nodded and started spinning it, then stopped. "It's too light on one side."

I nodded. "The spear head is being made." I said as I started folding the molten Dragon Tooth. I handed Sam a clay square. "Can you make a head mold?" He nodded and started drawing, and then digging.

Mariposa looked at me. "How are you so calm?"

I looked at her. "Hmm?"

"You were angry a moment ago-"

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