Dire Wolf

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^^ Rain ^^

(AKA Lord Muzaka from Noblesse!! He, Raizel-sama, and Frankenstein, are my absolute faves!!! Muzaka is Bæ!!!Okay fangirl moment over.)

--- Rains POV ---

I stepped into the tower elevator, next to a woman who looked like she was just bursting to ask me a question. I looked at her, and raised one snowy eyebrow, and she asked me quickly "you're Fallen-Rain, yeah?" I nodded. "I'm Eina, Bell Cranels guild manager. He told me what you did, for him. I just want to say thank you." She said, blushing.

I shook my head. "He was in no danger of dying. He owes me no debt. He owes Jason's family a debt, that was paid with Jason's pay from the Expedition, I believe."

She nodded. "It was. I just wanted to thank you, and ask you if you'd be training other healers in your methods?"

I nodded. "You're with the guild, here." I handed her my last flier. "I built a compound under my workshop, and I'm selling my supplies, weapons, and grimoire's there once I make some. I can easily also make some for my healing magic, <Aurora>. And my healing is cheap, though my product is not. It's all the finest quality, I make sure of it."

She smiled. "I'll have more made and posted on the guild boards to advertise it. Do you need a price negotiator? The guild can hire one out to you."

I smiled. "That sounds lovely. I don't know much about surface capital, so someone who can price my wares fairly is welcome in my shop."

She grinned. "I'll have it done by tomorrow, sir."

"Thank you, Herr Eina." I said, bowing slightly. "It seems it is I, who is indebted to you. Whatever it is, I will pay you back for this large favor."

She gasped, and smiled. "I feel greedy, but I can think of several situations you could help with, and save the younger adventurers. Having an open invitation like that is dangerous..."

I grinned. "Seems I'll be busy. A child, a store, a woman, and a guild, plus the dungeon? Heh."

She smiled. "Indeed. Welcome to the life of a working man." The elevator dinged, and I stepped out with her on my floor. We walked into the rookie forge, and she sat on the side. "I'm a passive mediator here." She whispered, and I nodded. I stood next to Sam and Jack, and looked for Oscar, before realizing he was at his own familia's meeting.

"Why are you late?" Sam asked. I looked at the clock. Ten minutes late.

"Well, I was delivering a baby, and then drinking with that woman I told you about.  How was your morning? Heh." I said, and he sighed dejectedly. Hephaestus walked out of her office, and smiled.

"Are we all here? Yes? Alright. This Expedition was a massive success. I charged you with bringing me back dragon drop items, and three of you went above and beyond. Jack, Rain, and Sam, please step forward." We did. "These three men, along with two Loki familia, brought me back five, adult, dragons, alive.  Then Rain Tamed an elder dragon, and claimed the hoard, gaining Lvl 5 status. One other member of his party, Oscar, is now Lvl 3 as well. You all did wonderfully, and I am proud." We went back into the crowd.

"Dear Welf, was a tragic part of the team that lost Jason..." She said sadly. "He was honored as a fallen hero. His name will be carved into the <Wall Of The Dead>, and he will be proudly remembered." She said, smiling.

We shouted "JASON, AVE," (Hail), As was practice. Sam had filled me in yesterday. Then Sam and one other man walked over to the wall covered in names, the <Wall of the Dead>.  Each familia had a wall such as this, I was informed. Then they carved (JASON ARCHILS, Lvl III) into the wall.

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