High Magic

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^the Elder Dragon^

A normal adult dragon is the same, but the wings aren't on fire, and neither is the mane.

--- Rains POV ---

I stepped onto the riverbank with my little sister, and laughed. "You've grown, squirt."

She smiled. "And you're forever the same. You realize you won't age anymore? That bond you made... It's only able to be released when she dies, but she's immortal. You've effectively become immortal, bruder."

I smiled and winked. "I know."

She laughed. "You sly Dog. Heh. Anyway. This magic. Let's see it." I nodded and concentrated, chanting softly, pronouncing every word carefully. It was a long chant, almost fifteen minutes, but when I finished, I pointed my glowing hand at a boulder, and said <Menos>.

The boulder shredded itself, and the shrapnel shrank. Doc smiled. "Close. The shrapnel shrank."

"Ja, but I need to shrink the whole Boulder, and be able to shrink living things, without killing them." I said.

She nodded. "A small alteration, then. Instead of 'minus' say <Fall>-" she accidentally cast it, and flattened a tree.

"It's a gravity spell, sister. Let's not toy with it." I said, sighing.

She nodded and chanted the full thing in one minute, going slow for her, and pointed at a boulder. "<Shift>" she said. The atoms in the boulder moved closer together, deleting all empty space, and the boulder disappeared, only to crash into the dirt loudly.

"Okay. Not to choose how much space to remove." I said, and we started experimenting. We got it down pat, and I grinned. "Now for the live trials. I'll get a turtle." I picked up a large box turtle, the size of my chest. I set him down in front of her, and started chanting.

I said <Shift>, selecting just enough space to delete to make him fit in my palm. He flinched, and started shrinking. I picked him up, and he was just a heavy. "Perfect. Now let's un-shrink him." I said.

Doc nodded, grinning. "Let's." She cast the spell this time, as I was a little tired, and he grew to twice normal size.

"Did you do that on purpose?"

"Yep. I want to see the flip side." She said, and the turtle took a step, then another.

He was twice the size, but just as heavy. "Hmm. How about..." I cast a spell to double his body weight by crating two of everything, and integrating them, effectively making him double as heavy and strong.

"Shrink him to normal size, please." I said. She nodded, and did it. He shrink to normal size, and crushed the ground in a stomp. I grinned, getting an idea. I cast the magic to double my body, and integrate it perfectly, increasing density, and then doubled my skin and bones.

Suddenly, my muscles were 4 times as powerful, and my skin and bones was 8 times as strong, and my heart was beating 4 times as strong. But if I gained a lot of weight it was moot... I'd be slower... I crossed my legs, using my tail to keep me up, (and to measure my weight).

Then I began removing all excess weight from my body. Fat reserves? Don't need quadruplicate of that. Gallbladder? Useless. And so on. I increased the effectiveness of my digestion, so it completely sucked any and all proteins out of anything I ingested. Then made it so that anything that went into my stomach was shrunk, letting me eat enough to fuel my new body, which was only double rations, because of my work.

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