'Rescuing' Oscar

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\^*^/She shall be the current Aizu! 5 years have passed, so she's an adult now!

I believe she was 18 in the season 1, so she's 23, three years younger than Rain.

--- Oscars POV ---

I was in a red realm.

I could see several monsters, but they all seemed docile, moving slowly, or not at all.

I looked around, confused, and saw that we were each on little floating 'islands', some much bigger than others, but most only about thirty feet across.

The ones above and to the left of us were the size of mountains... Ahh, that must be the roof of the cave, where all the <Blood Stones> are gathered.

Except me, I wasn't alone on my little island. I was on a little island with the 49th Floor Boss.

I flinched, drawing my sword and dagger, the only weapons on me, but he shook his head.

He was sitting, cross legged, using his tail to stay off the ground, and his arms were crossed as well.

"Those Won't be needed, boy." He sighed.

"What is this place?" I asked, sheathing my weapons.

He frowns. "I don't know. And that troubles me. I don't even remember how we got here." He said.

"I do. We both were touched with the Raw <Blood Stone> knife. Maybe we're on the same island thing because of being sucked into the same piece of crystal?" I said.

He scratched his chin. "Well, in theory, you could be correct. I guess we should wait to be called out, to know for sure..."

I shook my head. "What happens if we go to a different little island?"

"Shall we call them <marbles>?" He asked, and I grinned.

"Okay, what happens if we go to a different <marble>? Can we get out in a different spot?" I said, having a plan already.

"Theoretically." He replied.

"Let's do it." I grinned.

He hummed. "Why?"

"Imagine if we could place pillars or monoliths of <Blood Stone> in the Safe Zones? We could do so much!

We could skip the month or more it takes to get to our target floor, and the month or more back!

Thus, making Expeditions quicker, and less costly, and also making it easier to get to trade Centers!" I said, and he nodded.

"That is true. Should we not wait to be able to leave before we abandon our <marble>?" He asked.

"Wait, we can't leave? You mean we have to be called out?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I know as much as you. This is a first for me, and I'm simply studying it."

I nodded. "Okay. How about this. We're the first ones here. Wouldn't you like to discover new information?" I asked.

He blinked. "You're attempting to manipulate me, but I have to agree, it does sound amusing..."

"Good. We'll leave a Marker so we know it's our marble... Uhm..." I scratched my head.

He stood, and started stacking rocks. Soon, there was a ten foot pillar of stacked rocks around the Marble.

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