The Conclave of Azazel

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^^ the Conclave ^^ 0-0

--- Rains POV ---

I stood at the city gates, tapping my foot. She was late... I went looking for her, and found her in a crowd at the city Square. I walked forward, eyeing the four corpses, and recognized the quote on the bottom, 'let there be Justice, though the world perish'.


I snarled and sprinted to my home, shifting full wolf to make good time. I skidded to a stop in front of Anna and Sam, and sniffed her, checking her for injuries. She had a healing cut on her lip, and I snarled. I looked at Sam. "Tell me you got them all."

He grinned savagely. "Every single one. And made quite a display with it, actually."

"Good... I have to go now, but be careful." I said to them, and then went to find Amanda again.

I found them at the East Gate, waiting for me, apparently. I shifted to my Half-Wolf form, and Amanda said "you'll actually need to be in human form, sir, so no one attacks you. It's only natural, you all look like the spawn of a hell beast with that armor. Except Genevieve." She shrugged.

"I'm in this form because it's easier to talk in this form than my wolf form. Where are we going?" I asked.

"A village called 'Absinthe'. It's one of the oldest there is." She said proudly.

"I don't think you know much about history, if you think a village in Orario is the oldest in the world. We're the youngest civilization on the planet, relatively." I said, and pushed open the gates.

"I meant in Orario." She said.

"Oh, then it very well might be." I gasped when I saw the outside of the gate. I hesitated to step out of the city.

Then Genevieve put a foot on my ass and simply pushed, flinging me forward.

I landed on my feet, growling. I'd passed through the barrier, and I felt the bacteria now....

I shivered. "Ugh. I didn't think the outside would be so filthy... Brrr." I said.

Genevieve laughed. "Welcome to the real world, boss."

We set a course, and I shifted, offering Amanda my back. "Climb on. We need to make good time."

She hesitated, but Genevieve again took the initiative and picked her up, setting her in the dip on my armor specifically meant for a 'saddle'.

Once we were ready and she was holding on, I took off, keeping an easy pace at 400 miles an hour, a hard jog, really.

We stopped for rest five hour in, and ate lunch, then the girl said "yeah. I'm never doing that again. I'm getting a horse. You can follow me at a reasonable pace." She huffed.

I chuckled and stayed full wolf. "I had ulterior motives. If you're on my back, people will think I'm a mount, or a tamed beast. They'll ask less questions."

She sighed. "Just shift human, you doofus."

I grinned and shifted, and said "Tadah."

She sighed again. "I always thought you were a more serious person."

"You've obviously never spoken to me. I'm not good with serious. The last time I got serious before F75 was when I annihilated F31." I said, sitting down.

She blinked. "Oh. Well then." I grinned while Vulcan chuckled at her stricken look.

Galahad surprised me by plopping onto the ground next to me and shaking the ground. "So. What's the plan, sir?" He asked.

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