Elder Dragons are Savage

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--- Sam's POV ---

We slowly made our way into the cave, and the cages fit no problem in the giant passage, which made me frown. Perfect. I hate perfect. It makes me insecure... It's Almost Like it's planned, and that's never good for us.

We reached the cavern, and silently began to set up, making sure not to make noise for the giant fire breathing reptiles to hear.  Luckily, they were more focused on the water level than the entrance. Rain and I snuck directly into the middle of them, and gave a thumbs up to Jack.

He took three shots, perfect, before the six, (now three) dragons took notice, and that's when Rain and I stood up, shouting insults. He shouted in Latin, which caught the attention of the three remaining dragons even more, as they started to growl in the same language, and he laughed.

He tackled one dragon to the ground no problem, and Jack took the shot, before starting to dance with the other. 'Four down, two to go.' I blocked a stream of fire with my shield, and stabbed it's foot with my spear, the Lightning on the tip zapping him.

I called out to Rain, who'd taken his down, and said, "I got this. Handle the others." He nodded and started chanting, that shrinking spell of his, and tied up the dragons with strong chains. The last dragon attempted to chomp on me as I was distracted, and I dodged, and stabbed his jaw. It flopped open, useless, and I grinned.

I slid under him, zapping and slicing his thick hide. Unable to penetrate fully. He fell onto his side, and I called out "take the shot, Jack!" An arrow appeared in the slice I'd made, on his belly, and it went right through, and hit the dragons heart.

He dissolved slowly, dropping scales, teeth and bones, and an eye, along with a sizable magic stone, the size of my chest. I sighed. "Dammit..." I said, just as Rains spell took place, shrinking the dragons to the size of horses, if horses had wings, nigh impenetrable skin, and breathed fire.

I collected the dead dragons drop items, stowing them in the empty cage for now, after having Rain shrink them to fit. Then I noticed something. There was a huge rock formation, that looked suspiciously like a spine, along the back of the cave. It was almost three hundred feet long.

And I traced up one side of it with my gaze, and found an eye, The size of a large pond, and glowing silver and red. As soon as I looked at its eye, the entire thing stood, shaking the cave.  "You just sat there as you nest was raided? What the hell, man?! I know you're intelligent, they were speaking in full sentences! Why did you wait?" I yelled at him.

"Because they deserved what they got, ignoring the entrance, and also blocking it in the first place.Children have died in this drought. We dragons treasure children, if not adults. Such is their Karma. I made no move to stop it. Leave now, and I will let you go." He shook the cake with the power in his voice.

I turned to Oscar and Mariposa. "Go back to the entrance, and take the crates with you. Go. Now." They went, and left the empty crate for us at the entrance, open. I couldn't see Rain, and Jack was loading a quill and installing a rapid fire hutch.  I decided to stall. "So, why does a few dead wolves matter to you? Isn't it a chance for less people to try to kill you?" I asked.

He chuckled. "The ones who died would never have challenged me, and even if I die, the dungeon will make me revive, as a fledgling. It's happened several times now. My life is endless, and therefore why nonsensically kill beings who's life is not? Life is only precious because you die. Children have not lived, and and therefore are more precious than anything. Dragons hoard precious things... And that means killing a child is rather stupid, and unnecessary." He responded, long winded. Good. Keep him talking.

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