Mazes,Wolves,and Bugs,Oh My!

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^<Dire Wolf>^

--- Rains POV ---

As we sailed the last day of riding, across the sea, I told the tale of Arthur's battle to the crews, and he blushed, closing his helmet to hide it.

"-And then he Stabs the beasts spine with all his might, severs the spinal column, and then started digging!

He digs, straight through the rib cage and back muscles, into the heart, and then pierced it with his dagger, and sucked the entire beasts dead body into a <Blood Stone>.

Then he puts the blood stone on the dagger, AS we're falling, and it turns into all this.

Pretty wicked, eh?" I asked, looking around the group while they whistle for him.

Bell says "you'll finally be Lvl three, I think, eh?" He laughed.

I nodded. "I think he will. Oh, and the drop items and stone. The stone is the size of a house, I'd say. Geez." I chuckled.

I tossed the <Drakon Scales> <Drakon Bones> and then the <Drakon Claw and Fang> to him. I kept the Brain and Eyes, for my own Prize.

The fang was almost fifty feet long at first, but naturally shrinks to about 6, perfect for a spear.

Then the Claw was about thirty feet long, but shortens to a Long-Dagger/Short-sword length.

I offer to smith them, but the moment he touched them they smithed themselves, causing us to gasp.

The words <Carnwennen> and <Longinus> appeared on the newly forged Dagger and Spear, and the scale and bone turned into a shield, with <Aegis> on it, along with that same makers name, <Nimue>.

"Who is this Nimue? They're a hell of a smith, I'll say that for them." I said, sighing. "Dammit... I wanted to work with Drakon Bones..." I sighed.

We reached the edge, and set down on the beach, getting some rest.


F54 was again, interesting.

It was a jungle of sorts, but everything was made of stone, even the grass. Living stone.

"This is where the idea for Golems started." Sam said, and slowly a Golem walked towards us.

It was one of the last two active Golems, and it looked Galahad up and down. "Greetings, I am Frey. You are?" He said in a deep, gravelly voice that hadn't been used in a while.

"I am Galahad, Mark 1. I am pleased to meet another that mirrors me." Galahad rumbled.

"Hmm... Well, I can guide you through this floor. It's simple, I've already mapped it long ago. It never changes." He nodded, and started walking the way he'd came.

A stone monster came out, and Galahad darted in front of Frey, and hammered it, destroying it and creating a cloud of dust.

"Well well, you are an improvement over the older Golems, hmm?" Frey said.

Genevieve jumped to sit on Galahad's shoulder. "Yes, yes we are."

"Hmm... A lighter model, perhaps?" Frey asked, and she nodded.

"I'm the Mage. That's Titan, and Vulcan, our leader, then Lancelot, and that's the Golem Squad, under command of our creator, Rain." She nodded to me.

He scratched his chin, making dust fall. "Very interesting." We continued on, and we left him there, after offering to help him leave, but he seemed to like it where he was.

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