That Which Doesn't Kill Me...

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^^ Loki- Rains View of him/her... IT.^^

--- Hephaestus's POV ---

I sat up at my desk, suddenly feeling my arm heat up. The chain from Rain's Oath was burning, and shining an unhealthy black. I quickly contacted Genevieve. "Tell me what's happening?"

"Rain just annihilated The Conclave on Azazel... and died three times doing so." she said, and started chanting a healing spell.

"... Is he alive?" I asked.

"He can't die, Hephaestus. But he apparently CAN go into a deep coma as his organs attempt to remake themselves..." She said when she was done chanting. "I'm sure he'll wake up within a week or so, with his healing. It'll take us about that long to get back to Babel."

"All right... Keep me Posted..." I sighed. 'That idiot... I told him not to fight them...'

"I will. bye." She hung up.

I stood, and picked up a hammer, deciding to start Smithing instead of Smiting, which is what I wanted to do. I snagged some metal, and just started smithing anything and everything, trying to clear my head.

--- Rain's POV ---

I was standing in the area of F30 that later became the Arena. 'Why am I here? Have I died? Hmm... Ah, well. Wonder where I'll go after this? Hell, probably. I'm an awful person. Ha.'

"We're not dead." A wolf spirit spoke from the shadows, and licked a bloody lip that smelled like deer. "Though we're as close to it as your oath will allow."

"Hmm... I see... Ah, well. Let's hunt, I'm bored." I said, and attempted to shift. nothing happened.

"You realize what I am, yes? You cant shift without your power, of which I hold all but a fraction." He sighed. I shrugged, and started moving towards the forest. "And I've already hunted everything. I've been here for 1404 years, of this planes time, 27 of yours. I only get to hunt when you do. You're here, and that means No hunting. For either of us. And it's YOUR fault." He growled.

I looked at him. "Watch your tone, pup. I tamed you when I was sixteen. I'm MUCH stronger now."

"You forget. I'm YOU. And Your wolf form has always been stronger." He suddenly leapt for me, snarling. I dodged, and kicked him squarely in the chest, sending him back a few steps. He looked at me, assessing. "Perhaps this form isn't the best for this..." Then he shifted to my Half-Wolf form, and I grinned.

"I always did love a challenge." I said, tackling him. He kicked me away from him, and used <howl> to tear a hole in my chest. I blinked, and fell down, passing out.


I woke slowly, and stood. 'Same place... Where's-' A giant force slammed into my side, and I was thrown down to the dirt, and His teeth shredded my throat.


I woke, and instantly stood up, listening for the wolf. After Two months in this damn meadow, I knew he was close by. 'I WILL beat him today... I will...' I heard a leaf move, and darted towards the sound, slugging the Wolf across his Half-Wolf muzzle, sending him back a step. As I was about to crush his throat with a well-placed kick, a second force slammed into me, and shredded my throat.


I sprung up from my place on the ground, and instantly started running at the hoard of wolves, killing several, but sheer numbers soon began to overwhelm me. "Four months, and you STILL! WON'T! FUCKING! DIE!" I roared, ripping one wolf crown from arse. Another latched onto my throat, but it was tough by now, covered in scars from it's thousand thousand mastication's.

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