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(A grown Zero)

--- Rain's POV ---

I stepped into Babel, still careful. I'd discovered quickly I had to treat everything like silk, because of my newly massive Lvl 8 strength. Hephaestus had updated my status after my awakening, mostly out of curiosity, and I'd risen to a Lvl 8, all my stats <X> level again.

My new <Skill>, <Practice>, meant that if I had done something once, I could do it again, instantaneously, no matter what, with minimal effort. 32 hour chant of <Oblivion Shower>? No problem. Curing a plague? Ha. It was a dangerous power for someone like me. I'd done some crazy stuff, but it had usually taken extreme effort. To be able to do it again effortlessly... Humph.

Cred:Rain<Dire Wolf>Lvl:8 Age:30
Magic: Yes
Healing(Aurora) Regen(Phoenix)
Immolate(Epoch) Wind(Aery)
Grav Manip(Shift) Void(Oblivion Shower) Shift(Shape)
<Blacksmith><Enchanter><Swift-Accel><Magic-Luck> <Arsenal> <Scavenger> <Abysmal Gaze> <Practice>

Ryu slammed into me out of nowhere, laughing. "Wulf!"

I smiled. "Hello, my Lovely Lion. Miss me?"

She blushed and nodded. "A little." She said aloofly.

I scoffed. "Only a little? Well then. 50 years without you has left ME with a craving for cuddling. If you didn't miss me, maybe I need to look for-" She interrupted me and pulled me in for a deep kiss, and I smiled, returning it gently.

I pulled back eventually. "Get a room, you two." Doc said tiredly, walking passed us, and quickly being intercepted by her mate, who instigated a steamy make-out session.

"Take your own advice." I snickered, and carried a blushing Ryu to bed, holding her like the most delicate flower.


I stepped into my forge, and smiled. 'It's been a while... Dust has gathered, and the coals have died... I cant believe only three months passed out here... I should meditate more often.' I set about cleaning the room manually, enjoying the simplicity. 'Maybe I should take up Bonsai?... It'd be good to teach me precision.'

Someone knocked on the door. "Fallen-Rain? I was told I could find you here?" A women's voice said.

I opened the door, revealing a thin, bruised woman, and hummed. "What is it you need?" I asked calmly.

She flinched at my deep voice, and backed up a step. "Uhm... I was wondering... You answer mercenary requests, yes?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yes. If you're looking to make one, the guild has a board for me specifically." I said, and went to close the door.

"UHM!... Uhm... I cant make such a public request... Please, it's not a big request!" She pleaded.

I hummed. "What is it? I'll decide after I hear it."

She nodded, smiling shakily. "Uhm... I was hoping you could-"

"FINALLY! I finally found you, you little-, who's this? Is he your new pi-" A man interrupted her, strutting over and grabbing her hair roughly, causing her to cry out in pain. I looked at him, pried his hands off of her hair, then kicked him as hard as I could, sending him across the city, through several walls, and slamming into the Wall encircling the city, becoming a grease spot quickly.

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