The Chest

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Him and Lancelot are the two other Golems made for the Golem Squad.:-)
--- Rains POV ---

I walked into my lab, sighing, and felt in my pocket for something to chew on. Usually I kept hard candy in my pocket.

Instead, I found an entire library.

I realized I'd never un-shrunk the library from F49.

I quickly Un-Shrunk it, and giggled like a child, seeing all the grimoire's.

I quickly read each an every one of them, learning a bit, but all of it was ways to use the basic spells of the elements together to produce new things.

I quickly set aside the now-empty books and picked up the journals.

There were twelve, and they each focused on one month of each year, covering a period of almost three hundred years.

The author 'Lu Gongzhu' believed that the months 'ascended', one each year, in a cycle, and each was connected to an animal, all together called the 'Zodiac'.

I got an idea, remembering a reference to the 'Zodiac' in a history book. It was China.

The 49th Floor boss was from China, a thousand years or more ago when it was still around!

I studied each of them, and was amazed at the depth he went into each element.

He actually confessed to being a rather weak Mage, but he learned to micromanage what he had to use spells far beyond himself.

Then he went on to say that it was easier to use the elements if you were close to nature, and so he moved into the middle of the desert, far away from civilization, or so he thought. (Egypt).

It chronicled his uses of nature magic to create rips in time and space, nearly destroying the planet on accident, attempting to teleport by way of wormholes.

He managed to avert disaster when the Titan of time, Kronos, (or Saturn, as the Romans called him), mended the rip, but demanded eternal service as payment.

He was granted immortality, but forced to live and die in the 'labyrinth', for centuries.

He was supposedly 'testing its security', and along the way he mapped about 90% of it with his photographic memory, and then placed on paper, before he was sent into the 49th Floor as a 'Floor Boss'.

What the hell is the 'labyrinth'? Ah, there's more.

He explains how the labyrinth is the bottom floor of the Dungeon, a hundred miles radius, of nothing but traps, moving walls, and God-level monsters.

And at the center is Time Himself, Kronos, the father of Zeus, father of gods.

If you manage to wound him, he will grant you immortality, and make you a god.

But, If you fail to wound him, (as all have), he makes you a Floor Boss, a slave for eternity, after slicking your memory.

He does this by putting a magic stone in your chest, and making you part of his body, and changes your appearance to suit himself.

I sat down heavily.

"Holy fuck..." I said, cradling my head in my knees.

I just learned something I really didn't want to know... There's a bottom to the dungeon, and if you fail, you're turned into a Floor Boss... After he changes your body... Fuck...

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