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<Shining Star>(magic enhance)Stores magic you don't use, so you never waste any. It also stores long Chants, so you can chant less, use high-level magic more. It's worth Millions, to the cheapest dwarf, and hundreds of millions to a master Mage, like Fallen-Rain. Maybe even a billion to the right buyer... ;-) Catch is, Rains little sister is an lovable, twisted little girl, and made it so it only works for her brother. To everyone but him, it's a beautiful ring, and the precious stones are worth tens of millions for its purity, but not hundreds of millions. Suffice to say... He wants it back, badly;-)

--- Fallen-Rain ---

Herr Wallenstein walked towards us slowly, eyes locked on mine. I sighed. When she stopped in front of me, I stood slowly. "How may I help you, Herr Wallenstein?"

She looked at me again, thinking. "You're a Medic?"

I nodded. "Is there someone injured?"

She shook her head. "I'm just trying to figure you out..."

I grinned. "I find that the best way to understand someone is to fight them, but I don't know if you want to spar with me."

"Why not?" She asked.

I shrugged. "You have a rep as unbeatable. If I win the spar, it'll ruin your reputation."

She smiled. "I'm not worried about reputation." She stepped back, and drew her thin sword.

I held up a hand, and said "not here. Too small." I finished my soup, handed Sam the bowl, and walked towards the clearing, grinning. I get to fight a Lvl 6? Sweet! I turned to her, and bowed, then drew my weapons. I shifted my legs, and grew my claws."Ready, Herr Wallenstein?" I asked softly. She readied her blade. I looked at Mariposa. "Take notes, kid." While you can...

I rocketed forward, slamming my dagger into her sword, my axe catching the back of a knee, throwing off her balance. Her opposite leg slammed upside my head, and I slammed into the trees on the edge of the clearing. I darted forward again, dancing around her as fast as I could, laying small cuts on her open skin. She lashed out again with her blade, and I leaned back, bending my back, and her blade cut my chin.  I darted around it, and placed my blade on her throat. She smiled. I looked down, and sighed.

Her blade was on my heart. "A draw. Hmph. Again?" I said, and she nodded. I jumped back, and started dancing around her again, full speed, which I discovered was only a tiny bit faster than hers. I spent most of my time dodging, and counterattacking, rarely managing to hit her. She hit me even less, but each blow was devastating, throwing me across the clearing.

By now, all the adventurers were surrounding the clearing, and I finally got fed up with her speed, and shifted full wolf. I snarled, and shook my head to clear my vision, and lunged, my legs moving so fast I know most of the people couldn't see me, other than a fleeting glimpse. I was running around her, reciting a chant to heal my wounds as I attacked her. She had no such thing, and was slowing down.

Suddenly, her eyes flashed, and her sword struck like the Gods own lightning, faster than even I could react to. It struck me, dislocating my front left shoulder, but unable to break through my Iron Hide, or I'd have lost an arm. I shifted human, and she placed her blade on my throat. I nodded. "I yield. Good fight, Herr Wallenstein."

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