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(Runs-on-Air is in his half-wolf state most of the time, I'll think of a reason but maybe he just feels it's more comfortable? And the pic is a cheetah, I know, but it's close and they're a lot alike, being the fastest creatures in their respective universes.The Half-Wolf form is a lot like this, just bigger and thicker, normally... Unless you're a scout. Runs-on-Air is a scout.)

(If you don't approve of teaching dogs to hunt, or you think it's cruel, then you may want to skip some of this chapter.The wolf is his Battle Familiar. He needs to be able to hunt. So, he has to be taught, as the super-sized puppy he is. Just so everyone's clear, I don't condone animal abuse, and I don't kill bunnies for fun.

The rabbits in the dungeon have tomahawks, and kill people.
They are not Thumper.
They are not cute.
They are evil.

To the story.)

--- Fallen Rains POV ---

I looked at Sam. "Do you know what 'Fallen Rain' is?" He shook his head. I laughed. "Puddles." I said, giggling. He thought for a second, and then blinked, before laughing like crazy, bent over, holding his gut. I smiled. "You should hear my sisters. It's even better. 'Runs-with-blades'. It sounds awesome, but it means a little kid running around with scissors."

He guffawed, and I grinned. "Oh, she'll kill me for saying that, but hey. Mine was because I really liked to stomp in puddles as a kid. We had these little rainstorms, and they left the entire plains as a swampland for a few hours. I'd spend those few hours stomping in as many puddles as I could. Eventually, the elders were like 'sheiza! Puddles! That's his name! Fallen-Rain!' And that's how I got my name."

He thought for a second as we walked into the tower. "Wait... So you didn't have a name before that?"

I shook my head. "I had what my mother and father called me when they wanted me, but not a name. That's why you surfacers names are so weird. You're given them before you're even talking! How can you name someone before you know their personality? What if you name a child 'Snow-Archer' and he's a spear user when he grows to be a man? It's dumb! And family names? Geez." I said, in a 'don't get me started' fashion. He laughed, and nodded, and I stood still.

There was a woman that exuded raw power, standing in front of me. I tensed, ready for a fight, then narrowed my eyes, letting my own power flow through me, staring the woman down. She smiled, and I blinked. What the hell? She walked towards me, and I placed my hand on my dagger, just to be safe.

She held out a hand. "Aizu Wallenstein, Sword Princess, Pleased to meet you."

I shook her hand. "Fallen-Rain... same..." I said slowly, still trying to figure her out.

She smiled gently. "We've never met, but you're level four, and you don't have a title. Who are you?"

I pointed at the dungeon opening. "I was born and raised in the dungeon by my people, the Wolf Kin. The other answer is forbidden by my Goddess. I've seen you before, but I never introduced myself. The 30th floor?" I added when she looked confused.

She hummed. "I think I remember you, but you all have the same eyes and hair, it's hard..."

I nodded, and released her hand. "Well, anyway, we're going on an expedition, so-"

"Rain, didn't Hephaestus tell you? This is a joint Expedition with the Loki Familia." Sam whispered.

I shrugged. "And?"

He looked bamboozled. "She's a top member of that familia!" He whisper shouted.

I nodded. "Oh. Interesting. We'll be spending more time together then, Herr Wallenstein." She nodded and stood up from petting my familiar.

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