The End Of A Plague

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^^Lancelot, Mark 1^^
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--- Rains POV ---

Nov. 30, year 600 of Babel.
(two months after rain reaches Lvl 6.)

Damn... I wonder where she is... I thought as I stood in the tavern Ryu works at.

Seal tapped my arm. "If you're looking for Ryu, she took a few sick days, she's down with the Flu, I believe. Sorry."

I smiled. "You realize I'm a doctor, yes?" I said, and her eyes widened.

"Well then. Let's go! You can fix her up and everything will be better! This place isn't the same without her... Mamá Mia! I'm taking the Doctor to Ryu!" She called out.

We walked out the building and down into the slums.

I growled. "She's living in a place like this? No wonder she's sick!"

Seal smiled. "There are worse places." She said.

I sighed. "And that's the problem. I need to focus on making this place better... More clean. Most of the people we get in my clinic are sick.

Luckily my sister and cousin are here to help now. I was worried about the plague, recently...

Again luckily, Wolf-Kin are immune to human and beast man Viruses and bacteria. But there are things that get us sick, in the dungeon." I said.

She nodded. "That's very intelligent. A doctor immune to his patients diseases."

I grinned, and she stopped at a building, three stories tall. "Oh? Very nice, a three story building in this dump..."

"I live here to, you know." She said, narrowing her eyes.

"And I'm still saying the huts I built in the dungeon have better structural integrity and cleanliness." I said calmly.

She huffed, and we went inside. "She only has one of the rooms. I'm in the one next door."

I nodded, and she knocked on a door. A voice said "one minute seal..." In a very nasally voice.

Ah hell... This is gonna be messy.

She opened the door, wearing only underwear and a small shawl, and I turned around quickly.

"Oh my gods! What are you doing here?! Seal, what the hell!!!" She squealed, and the door closed, and I heard her ransacking her room for clothes.

She opened the door again, and said "come in,(Sniff), I'll make some tea."

I shook my head. "I brought you some herbal tea, you'll need to drink it every day before you leave for work and after you get home.

I'll also brink you broth to make some chicken noodle soup, and some fruit. You'll eat all of it, and no complaining. Doctors orders." I said, without preamble.

I started making the tea, and spiced it with a little ginger and honey so it wasn't disgusting.

"Ginger and honey will cover the herbal taste, Ryu, so add what you feel necessary when you drink it." I said.

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