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--- Rain's POV ---

I sighed in contentment as I watched the three small wolves play in the dirt in front of me, roughly tugging at each other's ears, the eldest of the triplets dominating her brothers.

Ryu came out of the house, and sighed. "Andromeda! Stop going easy on your brothers! Seth, James, stop letting her win!" She snapped.

I smiled and pulled my pregnant mate into my lap. "You're just like my mother, you know... She used to say the same things, in German, of course." I snuggled her gently and nipped her ear.

She laughed and smacked my shoulder. "Is that so? Why are the dishes not done, then?" She asked.

"They are." I shrugged.

When she looked confused, I darted into the kitchen and smashed the dishes, and was back before she even fell a bit. The dishes regenerated in the cupboards, spotless.

She sighed. "Cheater."

I shrugged. "Yeah, well."

She smiled and handed me a letter. "This came from Hephaestus."

I sighed. "Yeah, I can smell it." I opened it, and smiled. A video clip was playing, of my Golems, all 4,000 of them, all leveled up to Lvl 10, marching through the Labyrinth. They encountered resistance, on a Divine level, but suffered minimal losses. Soon, they met Kronos, and after thousands of feces rating losses, subdued him, and dragged him into the 'Crimson Plane'.

He was sealed in a Blood Stone, that was then dipped in obsidian and then concrete, and presented to the gods. They took it to Olympus, and the clip ended. 300 Golems had 'Survived', but the other 3,700 were slowly regenerating.

I smirked. "Puny God. You fucked with the wrong Wolf." I touched my mouth, where my fang was still missing.

Ryu laughed. "You're so ferocious." She teased me, rubbing my ears.

I whined and shifted involuntarily, prompting my pups to pile onto me, tugging and biting my nose, Tail, ears, and feet. I played with them for a few hours, and they eventually collapsed, yawning and shifting.

I took them inside and tucked them in, then carried my mate to our bed, taking great care with her swelling stomach.

We fell asleep to the gentle sounds of our pups snores, and the tiny sound of the next litters heartbeats in her stomach.


I looked down at the world from Olympus, and watched my children, and my mate. They had cried when I left, but I couldn't stand to see their aging. I'd thought I wanted immortality. Now I had it, and all I wanted was to grow old with my wife. But that was not my fate.

She was old, almost 800 years old now, and nearing her end. I would be here when she passed. But to escape my oath to Hephaestus, I had to become a God. So that's what I would do.

My family was extensively spread now. Several times I thought it would die out, simply because every child in my family enjoyed the company of women. None of them liked men, So only the boys carried on the name. And then there were branches where only girls were born, and I would despair until one line proliferated. I only had three living 'children' of the Main Family, and of course my mate.

My eldest Daughter, Andromeda, was Half Elf, and as such was still alive, for now. Not for much longer, though, she was even older in physical aging than my mate. Then my two youngest Great-----grandchildren, James and Arthur.

I was happy that they lived, though perversely satisfied that they lived in the Tower, as Smiths, members of the Hephaestus Familia. They were skilled, and that was good. They were each Lvl 5, so that amused me. They never would've learned the things they knew, if they'd learned in the Dungeon.

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