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^Rain and Genevieve^
wading into the fray
--- Rains POV ---

Two weeks before the expedition, Doc Approached me, about making armor for our Half-Wolf Forms.

"Like, blades bracers for you, and maybe some body armor for me? I figured out how to tweak the Void Spell in our Blood.

If I cast it on Armor we're Wearing in our Half-Wolf and Wolf forms, two sets of armor, two spells, we hen we shift to them we'll have ready weapons.

You and I both know our claws are quickly becoming less useful as we go down the Dungeon..." She said.

I nodded, after thinking it over.. "You're correct. Shift, let me get your Measurements. Cutting it a little close, Sis. Should've asked a month ago..."

I got measurements, for both of us, and Anna As well, even if she was staying on F30, because she'd be this size for ten more years.

It still amazed people she was only about two years old. She looked like a twelve year old, and spoke and acted like a grown woman, though she still called me and Sam 'Unca' as an adorable habit.

I got to work, using a copious amount of my mix for the giant plates about seventy feet across, for the shoulders. The blades were almost a hundred feet long, as well.

Once done, I shrank it, using the energy of the volcano for the magic like always when I'm down here. It's the best source other than the hoard, which is where the 'Chest' was now.

(I decided to return the journals to the 49th Floor boss, as a courtesy. Or rather, after we killed him, I'd leave them for him.

But not the chest, or the pages about the chest, or the grimoire's. Nope. I used the empty grimoire's, and implanted healing spells into them, and sold them to doctors, and party medics, for relatively cheap.)

Then I cast the Gravity Magic on it, so it weighed as much as leather. Once the full set was done, I shifted, and put it all on.

Doc cast her magic, and I shifted back, it disappearing. I hummed and shifted, and there it was, perfectly fitted.

I nodded. "Alright. Your turn, Anna." I said.

She giggled, and I fitted her with a set of armor.

Each set took about two hours, but we were all equipped, by morning.

I had time to burn, so I tinkered in my lab until I noticed something, watching the four Golems interact.

They didn't have a Mage or an Archer.

I sprinted into my lab, laughing, and started smithing a female Mage Golem.

This was done by (after the smithing process) implanting several different <Magic Stones> throughout the body, and making her a copy of the original Bow/Spear, <Gae Bolg> of course.

She was thin, and Fast, as fast as Lancelot, and as strong. She was just as powerful as the others, in her own way.

I made the arrows a flash cast of <Oblivion Shower> this time. I programmed the <Box> with all the magic I knew, And doc added her considerable knowledge in as well.

I also, instead of putting a monster into her <Blood Stone>, went and found Mald.

Mald was an old elf-Mage, and Doctor. The one who'd attempted to regrow my legs.

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