Good Hunting, My Friend

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^Sam and Anna^

--- Sam's POV ---

"- and so, I'd like to introduce your new Lvl 5, Sam, Jack, and your new Lvl 7, Rain, and Lvl 6, Doc. Oscar, another member of their team, is now a proud Lvl 4. Aron's squad suffered one Casualty, one (Mitch Weaver)." She said, sighing.

"AVE, MITCH!" Was shouted.

I and James, the longest members of the guild, again walked over to the wall, and carved his name into it. "The other two Casualties came from the same Party, Fin's party. (Luis Ziggatoni) and (Katherine Beaumont)."


"We also captured two new specimens of a species we'd never studied up-close before, the <Deep Orc> class. They are being studied by the Autopsists, so we may have new info soon. Best of all, we have established an Outpost on F76! A place no one has ever reached before!" She said, and we cheered.

"We've received in-Depth summaries of the floors 55-76, and maps, Monster Guides, and best routes. This expedition was the deepest anyone's ever gone, and it was a Hephaestus familia member! It was one of us, who struck down the 75th Floor Boss, and took the first step into the unexplored floor, a fact of which I am very proud!"

We cheered some more. "Now, the last point of the meeting. There's been a series of disturbances in the woods, outside of Orario. Reports say a conclave of Dragons has been sighted in the woods, but this is unconfirmed. If it is true, we need a team to exterminate them." She said calmly, despite the fact that she just asked us to volunteer to die.

A conclave of Dragons is a nest of Elder Dragons, with Three Grand Elders presiding over it. Grand Elders don't spawn in the Dungeon. They've been around since before it, and they're Ancient beings who created the idea of magic we use today. It's a Lvl 9 quest, and I sighed when Rain stepped forward, not surprised in the least.

"I volunteer, but I don't ask my Party to follow me, especially Oscar and Jack. I'll take my Golem Squad, and either confirm, or deny, these allegations. Sam is free to join me, but I'd prefer he stay and watch over Anna." He looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

I nodded. "She'll come to no harm with me, Rain. Good Hunting, my Friend." I said quietly.

Hephaestus nodded. "Alright. Accepted. But if it is, an enclave, don't Attempt to engage unless there's no other choice. They're extremely intelligent. They may listen to reason. Do not attempt to outfox them, Rain. They will Kill you."

He nodded. "I will do my best, Herr Hephaestus."

"That is all I ask, Rain, all I've ever asked." She said, and he bowed.

"So if there are no questions?" She asked.

Someone raised their hand. "Are we allowed to go as well?" A girl... Lvl 2 I think.

Rain answered. "No." She deflated.

One man, a Lvl 5 rogue, raised his hand. "And me?"

"No. No one is going who isn't expendable, or stronger than me. That's final." He growled. The entire room seemed to relax, as they were lifted from the burden of going. "Of course, I'll need a guide. I've never been out of the city. Anyone live in that area before?" He asked, and the girl raised her hand again. "Aah, I see why you wanted to go now. Sure. You can come. But you'll stay away from the fighting." He said sternly, and she nodded. "Name?"

"Amanda, sir." She said.

He nodded. "When do we leave, Hephaestus, and for how long?" He asked her.

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