Impressing a Goddess, 101

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^^the house, barn, field, and forest that Rain builds inside his own little workshop^^

--- Rains POV --

We eventually, 18 days later, reached the surface, and in that time, the boys and I got really close. We think Oscar will Lvl up, because he's the one who swung the blow that killed the floor boss on F17, with his large dagger, (forged by me), stabbing the magic stone. We agreed to be a permanent Party, and Mariposa opted out. I didn't blame her. She was Lvl 2, and her stats were relatively low.

I told her I'd have a big job for her soon anyway, so it's fine. After they cashed in the stones, all of them, and split the pay between us all, We were told to rest for a day and then report to Hephaestus(or Loki) tomorrow, as it was still very early morning, around 07:00. The individual pay was almost 50 million Valis, plus the items we got from the monsters.

I got two bonuses, because I killed two bosses, and received the end sum of 150 million or so, plus the 50 million individual. I'd given twenty five to Herr Wallenstein, as a courtesy. Oscar looked like his eyes would pop out when they handed him a metal slip that read '125 million Valis' as his full pay.

We helped him deposit it, and he whooped with joy. Then we took the hoard to several different appraisers, separately. We split the gold evenly, and then the jewels were appraised, and we sold those as well, and split the profits.

It totaled out to about 2 billion Valis, in the end, and we split it evenly, so everyone got 400 million, and we deposited it all. Then, when asked for an explanation, we simply said we'd cashed in a dragons hoard, and they just let us do it. We were supposed to rest after that, but I asked the guys if they'd help me out with something. Something... Big. Heh.

First, I asked Sam for permission, for the store I was thinking of making, and he said it was common practice, so I just had to send a cut of every weapon or tool sale to the guild. I grinned, and had Mariposa make a sign, that read 'Rainy Day Doctor/Mage/Adventurers goods and repair' and another that read 'Good fishing'

I then dug a huge hole under my workshop with Jack and Oscar, as Sam went and bought the materials necessary for a couple of simple buildings. I'd told them my plan, and they'd laughed, but when I proved it was possible, they started thinking, and added their own ideas, to make it even better.

Once the hole was built, and the stairway to the main floor was built, we reconstructed the wall we'd torn out, leaving a huge door and sloping ramp upwards to ground level, big enough that the crates would fit easily through.

Then we paved the bottom of it all with stone, we'd lay fertile dirt after the cast so it was the right density. The roof was then seeded with luminescent crystal weeds. They spread on their own, outwards, but never upwards, and all they needed was moisture.  They grew to the size of buildings, eventually, if given the room, and stopped there.

They were taken from samples of the F18 crystalline roof, and they synchronized with the day and night of outside. We then dug a large hole in the middle, not very deep, but sort of wide, a big circle for the lake, and set the rock to one side. We used a bit and made a small island in the middle, for the dragons. Finally, I made a perfectly circular tube, fitted under the ground halfway, so half of it arched across the whole room.

I put a ball of fire and a small rock in it as a test, and started the magic. I grinned, as they started spinning, and then synchronized with the sun above. I'd created a terrarium, just like my studies during the two months since I'd seen the moon said. Now to make it life sized. I focused, casting the gravity spell on the new basement, graduating the gravity on the staircase and the back-door, so that you shrunk and grew seamlessly as you went down and up them.

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