There's Many Kinds of Labor

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--- Rains POV ---

"Hello, Runs-on-Air.... What brings you here?" I asked, and he sighed.  His mate was in his arms, very obviously in labor, and lots of pain. I nodded, and had her sit on the bed. "Was there no one closer?" I asked him, and she shook her head.

"No one able or willing to help." He said. I nodded, and set up my pillows so Jumps-Through-Trees was inclined back, legs in the air. Hephaestus was just standing there, confused.

"Herr Hephaestus, with all due respect, either leave or help, but please do not stand there idle. This has just become a Hospital room. Either become a nurse, or stand aside, please." I said.  I started to remove Jumps-Through-Trees clothes, and modestly covered her torso and legs with a cloak, leaving her undercarriage slightly exposed. "Dilation at 5cm, very good, I believe it's a single child, this time, Runs-on-Air." I said.

Hephaestus stepped back. "Uhm... I know nothing of this. Have you ever delivered a baby before?" Mariposa came out of the terrarium, and, without missing a beat, started making cold rags for the sweating and straining Jumps-Through-Trees.

"Several times, Herr Hephaestus. You can go. We don't need an amateur, no offense. I'll see you later." I said.

She hesitated, and then nodded to herself. "Actually, I'll update you status now, to maximize your chances, first." She pulled up my shirt, and then pricked her finger, touching my back. It glowed, and I held still. I heard a loud 'Click', and she laughed. "Lvl 5, and the title meet tomorrow. Interesting." Three bubbles appeared in front of me.

(Skill: Green-Thumb 'better Crop result, and less crop blights') (OR)
(Skill: Magic Luck 'increased chances of lvling and drop items')

I chose magic luck without pause, and she clicked it in, and then traced my stats on a piece of paper.

Name: Fallen-Rain, aka (Rain)
Lvl:5. Age:26
Speed:A990 Health:S1200
Strength:S1600 Tough:S1800
Agility:A990 Stamina:B850
Magic: yes.
Healing (Aurora) Regen. (Phoenix)
Combust (Inferno) Immolate (Epoch)
Wind Cut (Aery) Wrath (Ira)
Grav Manip (Shift)

<Swift Accel><Magic Luck>

I read it and nodded, sliding it into my vest. I turned back to Jumps-Through Trees  and began helping her through her labor again. Mariposa began talking her through it like a pro, and I asked her, "do yo want pain medication, or do you prefer a natural birth?"

She growled out "just get her out alive, I'll take medication afterwards!" Her? I nodded, and she began pushing, Mariposa coaching her through it and complimenting her strength.

I saw the crown of the head, and smiled. "I see the crown, not long now!" Runs-on-Air changed the cold compress out, and stroked the hair from his mates face gently. Soon the entire head was visible, and I cheered. "Almost!" I placed my hand under her head, to guide her out. Once her chest was out, I simply picked her up, her body sliding out. "Cut the umbilical, Runs-on-Air." I said, and he reached a claw over and snipped where I told him to.

The child gasped, and then saw him and giggled, grabbing his whiskers, which had grown when he grew his claws. He winced, and picked her up. Mariposa cleaned her off quickly, and wrapped her in a warm towel, then handed her back to him. He sat on the bed next to his mate, who was still recovering. She smiled at her new daughter, who was giggling and nibbling on Runs-on-Airs fingers. I smiled, and stroked her tiny tuft of silver hair. "She's a cutie, huh? Herr Hephaestus, care to see a newborn?"

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