Arthur, Drakon Slayer

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Happy New Year's Eve!!!! Whooooo!!!! PARTIES EVERYWHERE!!! YEAH!!!
--- Rains POV ---

We decided as a group that Arthur was a good kid, and a good fighter. He actually wasn't a Lvl 1, but a Lvl 2, and his title was <Dragon Slayer>.

He was a member of the Hestia Familia, oddly enough, one of Bell's noobs.

I laughed when I learned that, and walked over to the kid. He went to hand me <Justice> and I handed him <Revenge>.

It had a <Vampire Bat> monster in it, and it leeched energy and blood, just like <Sin of Pride>, Oscars sword.

"Take them both. A friend of Bell's is a friend of mine." I said to him, and he slipped them onto his back.

They were both medium swords, meant for Sword and Shield, but together they worked great.

"Now come over here, and drink with the men. You shouldn't just sit there, alone. This is a party!" I said, and he followed me back.

Oscar(recently turned 20) handed him a flask of whiskey, as he sat around the fire with me, Sam, father, Jack, and even Bate.

We'd become good friends after the last expedition, somehow, and his mouth showily stopped shooting off randomly with stupid things.

Bell saw Arthur sit with us, and he and Welf came over.

The girls were all having their own party in the main house, mostly drinking wine and talking about boys and blood, from my hearing.

We all sat down again, and passed the flask. Arthur didn't spew, and I laughed. "Yes! See that, Oscar? Remember when we gave you alcohol? Eh? Heh."

We all laughed at the glare he gave me, and then someone started a song. The girls came out again, and we gathered around the bonfire, me dragging Arthur.

We started with a simple dance for the outsiders, and then showed them how to really show the Gods your Pride.

Doc say next to me as I played the pipes, and We sang/played an old tune in unison, while dancing a fast beat.

'Who shall move our sacred runes, when we ourselves, cannot?'

It was a wonderful song, and full of passion, if sung correctly. Doc knew how to sing it correctly.

Anna joined in the second time around, and we all immediately stopped and stared at her, because her voice was as angelic as her face.

She blushed, and the women mobbed her with the normal cries of 'how adorable!' Sigh.

Doc and I kept playing, and once again Anna joined in, but we were ready for her this time.

We danced even wilder, laughing with joy. 'The girl knows how to influence a crowd'


After we sang and danced, the wolves fought, in all three forms.

I faced off with Doc, and cracked my neck.

I shifted, and she did as well. We left our armor on. This would get brutal.

She darted forward, and I turned my body, stepping back, and then flashed an elbow down, placing a ringing blow onto her helm.

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