Gains and Losses

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^^ Sam and Anna, the pup ^^

--- Sam's POV ---

"- so that's why I have to ask you to babysit." Rain said, hands steepled under his chin, as he stared at me. He wasn't wearing his armor, letting me know it really wasn't that serious, whatever it was. We sat in my bar, as Izumi, the Soma Familia member who was my bartender, watched us, grinning. About five years ago, the Soma family was forbidden from addicting their members to the perfect alcohol, so they weren't as crazy anymore. Most were bartenders around Orario.

"You can't do that. You didn't even say anything before that!" I said, flabbergasted.

He frowned. "I didn't? Oh, I though it did. Well, I found that piece-of-shite Jargons house. As soon as they heard, Runs-on-Air and Jumps-Through-Trees announced they were coming with me to destroy the place, and they won't take no for an answer.  They hate him as much as Jack and Oscar because of the stories they've heard. So we need you to watch Anna. Okay?" He asked.

"Who the hell is Anna! Give me details!!!" I yelled, and he shushed me when I yelled a cuss word.

I glared. "She's here?!? This is a bar!!" I hissed, and gestured around my small tavern. He pulled a small person from behind his back, about four years old from the look of her.

"This is Anna. She's four months old, and a Wolf-Kin. My niece. Okay?" He said.

"No! Not okay! Not even a lit-... what is she doing?" I asked, halting my tirade when her lip quivered.

"She's four months old, Sam. She's an infant, even if she grows like fast like all Wolf-Kin, her mental age is about four years old, okay?" He said.

I sighed. "And?"

"So she cries easy, like all infants." He shrugged. As soon as I stopped yelling, she climbed into my lap and grabbed my scarlet hair, saying in garbled German "red."

Rain grinned. "Damn. Her papa will be pissed he Missed that. Her first word... 'Red', huh? Interesting. She liked Hephaestus's hair as well..." I smiled, and moved her to one thigh, prying her hand off of my hair. When she went to cry, I shushed her, and bounced her on my thigh.

She giggled and then re-focused on my hair. I said slowly, "you can look, but don't tug, okay?" In German. She processed that, and then nodded slowly, and sat next to me, watching me. I smiled, and patted her head. "Good girl," I said, eliciting a giggle.

Rain smiled. "So you'll take her?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Do you want Mariposa to handle her all day?" He quipped. We'd recently learned that Mariposa's obsession with cuteness made her dress animals up in frilly outfits. I knew she'd do the same to a little girl, the evidence was the black frilly dress the little one was wearing. "Will she turn fluffy when she falls asleep?" I asked.

He shrugged. "It's different for each person. I shift all the way, Runs-on-Air goes half, Jumps-Through-Trees stays human, it's really a shot in the dark."

I sighed. "Alright, whatever."

"You'll do it?"

I sighed again, secretly happy. I like children, they're so cute. "Yeah, yeah, get the hell out. Go have fun without me, why don't ya." He grinned and sprinted out after saying goodbye to Anna.

I looked at her, and she smiled. "Red." She said, and poked my cheek. My eyes were a deep red. She was grinning now.

I smiled. "Yep. Red. Want a glass of milk?" I asked. She tilted her head. I called to my barkeep. "Bring me a shot glass filled with milk, Izumi." He nodded and slid a shot of milk across the bar, grinning. I handed it to her, and she lapped it'll like a dog. I shook my head and grabbed another glass, and showed her how to actually drink a shot, by tossing it back, so it coats your mouth.

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