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--- Rain's POV ---

I stepped into the dungeon with Zero and Anna on either side of me, about an hour ahead of the other expedition parties, with my golem Squad and My own party tagging along behind me. I breathed a sigh of relief, as I finally got to let loose the breath I held every time I held Ryu or Any other person other than Doc came near me. (and the Newly refurbished Mark IV golems, re-fitted to my current power, or as close as they could get. They could only handle up to mid-Lvl 7, so that's where they stayed.)

I set Zero and Anna after a large group of killer ants, and watched as they darted off, and set about taking them down one by one. Zero was level one, of course, so it was a bit of a challenge for him, which is why it was good for his growth. Anna intervened, stomping on an Ant that was about to sneak attack him. I sighed. "Anna, he'll never grow if you help him." Then I looked at Zero. "That was a rookie mistake, so I'll forgive you, but always be aware of your surroundings, got it?"

"Yes sir." He nodded, and we continued down the tower. We easily defeated the Goliath, and rested in F18, waiting for the others. I showed Zero around, while Anna ran around greeting everyone, and getting food I would have to pay for. I didn't care, of course, money wasn't something I ever had to worry about in my life, I just liked complaining to her. Soon, the other parties for our expedition arrived, and we laid out plans for a dive down to the 76th, and a building crew was meeting us there, to begin building a small outpost, and then a Ten Floor dive expedition, that's it.

I nodded in agreement when asked about the plans. Finn looked at me. "You're technically the leader of the Hephaestus guild, Rain. You have to agree verbally."

"Sam is my superior." I shook my head. "I'm a Soldier, I don't like deciding who lives and dies, that's you leaders jobs. Put me where you need me, and let it be done." I said.

He hummed. "I see. Then Sam?" He looked at Sam expectantly.

"He'll do the most good as a shock troop, and the Golems as both backup and babysitters for the lower levels, which frees up the guards you have there. Each golem is Lvl 7, so nothing is getting past them." Sam said analytically.

Finn hummed. "I see. Good then. Aizu?"

"I agree. The Golems are good guards. And Rain is very much the perfect shock troop. He will be invaluable in the open floors, but less useful in the maze floors." She said.

I nodded. "I agree with her assessment. I am not very good at tight quarters, because I don't want to accidentally kill my allies when killing my enemies. My power is very wide ranged, imprecise." I shrugged.

"Then I guess we're agreed. You'll be vanguard, and your focus is the strongest monsters, don't touch the small fry." Finn said.

I nodded. "I'll do my best, sir."


Zero wasn't ready for the lower floors below 18. He'd barely managed in 12-16, but 19 was too much for him, so I sent him back with the other Lvl ones, and told him to not slack in his training. Anna went straight to F30 with the Marbles, and rested with my family.


The EarthBorn were annoying, as always, but we had several strong players in the game, so it went well. I simply charged into the fray, as the Golems acted as the front line, and laid about myself with my fists, shredding the bulk of the army with a <Howl>, and leaving the straggling third to the others. As soon as they killed the last one, the room shook. I froze, and darted over to Finn. "That's never happened before. What is that?" I asked.

"I think it's a wandering boss..." He said, eyes roving the walls and ceiling. I saw cracks, and pointed. A giant magic stone dropped out, and it started shedding sparks.

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