What I Do For Love

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^Sam fighting the <EarthBorn>^

--- Sam's POV ---

As we headed towards the surface, I noticed something odd.

All the monsters were unnaturally afraid of us.

Not running away, afraid, but hiding where they were, afraid.

At least, the intelligent ones. The beasts still attacked as always.

I blocked an attack with my shield and waded into a field of Earth-Born, dirt monsters in the shape of large humans.

Some even wore the broken armor of lost adventurers.

I laid about me, while Rain and Doc did the same. Oscar darted around and got the ones that slipped past us.

The 33rd floor was a wasteland of sand and dirt, and crossing it was always annoying. EarthBorn weren't very strong or fast, but there were thousands of them.

Finally I heard Doc say "Fuck it" and start chanting a song I loved, in prose form. 'The Rains of Castamere'.

"And who are you, the proud lord said,
that I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat,
that's all the truth I know.
In a coat of gold or a coat of red,
a lion still has claws,
And mine are long and sharp, my Lord,
as long and sharp as yours.
And so he spoke, and so he spoke,
that lord of Castamere,
But now the rains weep o'er his hall,
with no one there to hear.
Yes, now the rains weep o'er his hall,
and not a soul to hear." Then she sang again in German.
"Und wer seid ihr, sagte der stolze Lord, dass ich mich so tief verbeugen soll? Nur eine Katze in einem anderen Fell, Das ist die einzige Wahrheit, will ich meinen.
Ob in goldner oder roter Mähne,
hat ein Löwe dennoch Krallen,
und meine sind lang und scharf, mein Lord, so lang und scharf wie eure.
Und so sprach er, und so sprach er,
der Lord von Castamere,
Doch nun weint der Regen über seinen Hallen, und keiner hört ihn mehr, Ja, nun weint der Regen über seinen Hallen, und nicht eine Seele zu hören."

I started to wonder what she was chanting for, and she said "<Oblivion shower>" and let loose a giant wave of black fire spears, decimating the EarthBorns numbers.

Unfortunately she was in front of me, so I still had more to fight as Rain hurriedly fed her a mana potion.

I roared and dove back into the fray, using the sharp edge of my shield to the effect of another blade.

Soon, they were all crumbled, and Rain began collecting samples, for his golem theory.

We continued on, and Rain went and caught another elder and set of dragons in his cages. For Hephaestus, he said.

I nodded, and we continued on.

The moment we entered the 30th floor, Anna Slammed into Rain and I, who were luckily standing near one another.

She hugged us and repeatedly said how much she missed us, and we smiled and patted her head in unison.

She leaped onto Rains shoulders, and said "so, are we going home, Unca?"

I laughed. "We need to rest first, doll, but after that, yes, Anna."

She nodded and grabbed Rains ears, and used them as reigns.

I glared at Swims-Through-Fire. "Did you teach her that?" I asked, and she scuffed her foot guiltily.

I sighed. "Great. Alright. Anna? Don't pull people's ears, it hurts."

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