Blood Stones

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The books are all old, Leather bound, and either Grimoire's or Magic Research journals.

The boss of the 49th floor is a Mage, and studies magic extensively. After all, what more has he got to do?

Oh. Right.

Kill adventurers.

--- Rains POV ---

We rested on the 48th floor, getting ready for the fight ahead, discussing strategy.

"- why can't we just have Doc do that big oblivion spell again?" Bate asked, sighing.

"Because A:, it's wide range, and this boss is supposedly small and fast, and Because B:, it usually makes her <Mind Zero> if she doesn't recover, and finally, Because C:, everyone in that room would die.

You wanna die, Bate? Go ahead. But you're not dragging anyone else with you. Now shut up unless you have an actual plan to submit." One of the Amazon twins said.

I walked over to the small map, and looked it over. "Hmm... No Empty spaces or tunnels... Teleportation?

Or is there multiple? Maybe some are illusions as he gets to where he's going? Very interesting... I'd like to catch this one..." I mumbled to myself in German.

Aizu tapped my shoulder, and pointed at a small square of slightly denser space. "What do you suppose that is?" She asked.

"Hmm... Possibly a wooden structure? Hmm... Wait... No way... That's a bookshelf..." I gasped.

I switched to English. "EVERY MAGE WE HAVE, COME HERE, NOW!!" I bellowed.

Soon the tent was full of mages.

"Can anyone tell me if there's a spell for walking through walls?" I asked.

Three people raised their hands.

"Multiple Illusionary selves that can do physical damage?"




"I think I just figured out the Boss." I said, grinning. "Can each of you that said something do a reverse cast of those spells?" I asked. They nodded.

"Good. Prepare all the reverse casts you can, everyone. Every single one, no matter how small, if it's anything about stealth or deception, reverse cast it. The boss is a Mage." I said, grinning.

Aizu nodded. "I agree." She said.

The amazons agreed. "Sounds right."

Bate grinned. "So once it's magic is gone it'll be a wimp? Sweet..." He pounded his hands together.

"No, it'll have physical strength to, but we should be able to beat it if we work together, yeah?" I asked him.

He narrowed his eyes, but aquiesced. "Sure... Yeah. Last time we just sent our top fighters in, and then shredded it, but we lost three Lvl 4's... This will be better." He nodded.

I grinned. "Good. Because you, Aizu, and I are the fastest fighters here. I'm willing to bet he's faster, so we'll need all the teamwork we can pull out.

And no. attack. magic. He may be capable of reverse casting and destroying you all. Understood?" The mages nodded.

"Let's kick some ass! Start chanting, mages. Tell us when you're ready." I said, and the... Four of us? I looked and saw Oscar next to me.

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