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^ Runs-With-Blades,aka 'Doc.' ^

Merry Christmas! Ho Ho Ho! Heh. Here, an update, my gift to you.

--- Doc's POV ---

I finished the last suture on my mates, (Swims-through-Fire) forehead Gash. I sighed. "You get hurt too often, Swims-Through-Fire. If you're back within a week, I won't treat you. You'll be on your own!"

She laughed and hugged me. "You know you love me, Doc." She said.

I sighed, and kissed her cheek. "Yeah yeah. Go on, I'll see you at dinner." As soon as she was out the door, I heard a Huge Howl, that I recognized in Tone, if not Intensity. Bruder!!!!!

I leaped up and sprinted out of the door, and then resorted to leaping over people, who were all looking forward to seeing Fallen-Rain again. I arrived at the edge, and there he was. I sprinted towards him, shifting my legs to go faster, and several people drew weapons, but he just spread his arms. I leaped into them hard enough that it should've thrown him backwards, but just started clutching him, laughing.

"Guten tag, bruder. Ich-"

"English, sister." He said, smiling, and kissed my forehead.

I blushed and nodded. "Hello, brother. Runs-on-Air. Welcome home." I said, and he laughed.

"That sounds amazing. Here. I brought you a present or two." He handed me a Spear/Mage Staff/Ranger Bow, triplicate uses, and a cloak of beautiful White <Iron Hide Rabbit> Pelts sewn together perfectly, making the designs flow.

I laughed and slung it on, and twirled the staff. "You've improved as a smith, bruder!" I said.

He laughed. "I should hope so!" He said. "Here. Sam, meet Runs-with-Blades-"

"I'm Doc." I said, shaking 'Sam's hand.

"You got a name change from the Elders?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Well then. Everyone, meet my little sister, Doc. The most powerful and skilled Wolf-Kin Mage that ever lived, and the second best Doctor." He said, laughing. Several people bowed, but only the younger ones. The others waved or ignored him.

I nodded, and he said "Alright. This is Mariposa, she owes me a life debt which she is paying right now. Sam, one of my best friends on the surface, and Jack, the Hobbit that is very good at skinning monsters, and such. My familiar Wind-Hound, a puppy still. Finally Herr Wallenstein, a person who is more powerful than me. We fought twice, and she won one, the other was a draw. She has my deepest respect." He said.

He introduced the close ones, one by one, and surprising me by addressing the woman as 'Herr'. I smiled. "The four of you are invited to dinner. Come. And You all, you are permitted to make camp in the southern quadrant, and hunt all you like. We have food and supplies to barter for, but we do not take surface gold. It's a merchandise trade. Good hunting." I said, and turned to lead my brothers friends to my home.

"And Who the hell are you, to tell us where we can go?" Asked one arrogant Adventurer. I held up a hand when Brother went to gut him. He backed up, hands up. I read one man's mind. Sam.'What's he afraid of? He's a badass! Maybe it's because he's her brother?'

I held up my new staff, and slammed it down, shaking the dungeon floor itself with earth magic. I walked over to the man slowly, balancing on the shaking floor easily while he was thrown around. "I am the Medicine Woman of this Tribe. In essence, the second in command of this entire floor. I earned that title by force, when I beat my brother to a pulp in the arena.(Brother shivered in the corner of my eye.) So you'll either do as I say, or I'll bury you alive. Ja?" I asked, smiling an innocent and sweet smile.

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