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^^Rains Hunting Dagger, ^^ <Silver Wood>. It's made with the minotaurs horns.

--- Fallen-Rains POV ---

I woke up slowly, in wolf form, laying on the bed. There was a noise at the door. I trudged over, and nudged it open. "Ja?" I asked, still in wolf form. I started scratching an itch lazily, and Sam just stood there, confused. He just stared dumbly. I shifted, and he jumped. "What do you need?" I asked him. He handed me a heavy bag, filled with yellow chips. I chomped on one, and realized it was gold, but refined gold, not ore. "What's this?"

He blinked. "It's gold... Your share from yesterday. You know, money?"

I hummed. "I see... This is what you barter with, then? Is it precious? It's rare in the dungeon, is it here?"

He nodded, and said "yes, that's why it's used as money. We use a currency called 'Valis' or 'Varisu'. There's the biggest coins, '100,000', then '10,000', then '1,000', and then '100'. Got that?"

I nodded. "So it's simple math. Okay. Well, show me the smaller ones, the 100 and 1000, I feel like that's the one I'll use most. The things in the streets have '1,200' and close to that, as prices, I think." He nodded, and handed me a smaller bag, and took two '10,000' coins from the big one.

"Bring that. We'll place it at the bank, in the tower. That way thieves can't take it." He said.

I nodded. "And this is spending money?" I shook the smaller bag.

He nodded. "Yes. We need to get you armor-"

"I can't wear armor." I said. He looked confused, until I shifted my hands. "I need space. And unless I make myself some armor... Hmm... Maybe some that stretches with my body and doesn't weigh me down, otherwise, no. Clothes though, I can do, if my nudity bothers people."

He nodded. "Thank you." We went to a street vendor and bought me a tights stretchy black shirt and a pair of Pants that did the same. We deposited my money in the bank, and they handed me a metal slip, that apparently had my 'account number', name, and all the other information they'd given me. Sam said "And you can come back when you need money, and use that, and they'll give you some of your gold back to use. Easy, yeah?"

I nodded. "Ja. Simple. Now. Are you hungry? I smoked and butchered those rabbits."

He grinned. "That's for the Expedition, remember? Let's show you the city, and get some street food."

We went around the streets, and he helped me in learning the layout. "It's almost like that town in F18, yeah?" I said.

He nodded. "It's close, yes. They modeled that after this one." I nodded. I then decided to tie my hair up, after the third time a child grabbed my knee-length silver locks and pulled, giggling 'shiny'.

We stopped at a small fried potato stall. The man said "200 a piece. How many?"

I said "two." And placed four '100' coins on the planks.

He handed me two fried potatoes, and said "have a nice day." I smiled and nodded, handing Sam his food. I took a giant bite of the potato, and it was scorching hot, but delicious. I wasn't easily burned or cut anyway, so it's fine. Once that was done, we headed back to my workshop.


I started smelting the Minotaur Horns, taking my time. Once one melted, I poured the slop into a basic hunting dagger mold, with the hollow middle of the second horn as the hilt and handle. I filled the hollow with crushed magic stones, and melted them, filling it with energy to charge the spells. That's the problem with magical weapons. They never charge correctly, and they eventually break the weapon they charge from. Putting magic stones in it provided a place to store magic and use it wisely. I created a magical siphon, sucking any malignant magic pointed at me and blocked with the dagger into the magic stone as pure energy, so it always had energy.

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