Lies and Truths

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(If you're wondering, yes, Doc makes the 29th Floor Boss her Bitch. It'll be entertaining.

And as for the Blood stones Vs Magic stones.

Blood stones carry live bodies as souls, but Magic stones can't carry physical things, so they only carry the souls.)

--- Doc's POV ---

After resting in F18 for three days, restocking, and so on, we continued on.

I walked at the front of the convoy with Aizu, Aron, Rain, Sam, and a wolf-man named Bate.

He wouldn't stop flirting with me, despite my numerous explanations that I liked women and I had a mate, and I was losing patience fast.

"So doll, how's about after this is over you and I get a drink, huh? How's about it?" He asked.

I sighed. "Bate. I want you to see something and understand what it means. So I'll say this in simple terms.

I.AM.GAY. SHE IS MY MATE!" I kissed Swims-Through-Fire deeply, and then continued walking, hoping the matter was closed.

He paused for a second and then continued. "That's cool, she's hot to, I could go for a thr-"

He didn't speak anymore, because I had him pinned against the wall by his throat, my scythe prepared to gouge out his tongue.

"Sam, make sure Anna isn't looking." I hissed.

"She. Is . Mine. Get it through your skull, DOG. You're. Not. Wanted. So shut your yapping mouth, or I'll carve out your tongue. Got it?" I snarled.

He couldn't breath, so I dropped him, and kicked him in the gut as hard as I could. He flew way down the passage, and slammed into a wall.

Rain sighed and walked over to him and checked him for injuries. He chuckled. "You literally got through his thick skull. He has a concussion."

He healed it easily, and threw the unconscious Bate into a cart.

We continued walking. Aizu smiled at me. "Thank you. He gets on everyone's nerves, but he's a good guy, mostly. And a good fighter. Lvl 5."

I nodded. "I know. But I'm quite territorial over my mate, as are all Wolf-Kin." I said.

She smiled again. "I see."

Rain cleared his throat. "Well. Anyway, back to what we were talking about. If you can trap monsters into a special gem, and put that gem on a weapon, what would happen, you think?"

"I think it would be like a familiar, if you tamed it... You'd need the beast-taming skill to even try." I said.

He nodded. "My thought exactly. Which is why I put a <Blood Stone> on your scythe. Try to suck something into it."

(A red <Magic Stone>, stores physical beings and souls.)

I shrugged. "Alright."

We were on the 28th Floor, so when a Newt rolled towards us, I slammed my Scythe against the ground, using earth magic to enclose the Newt.

I walked over and pressed the scythes <Blood Stone> against it, and it was sucked in.

I focused, and it popped back out, and cowered in front of me. I growled, and it rolled up.

I pointed towards some monsters that were watching us, and it rolled towards them at high speeds, and crushed them.

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