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^^^^the basic idea for the 'little knife store' He just makes a lot of knives. Like, almost three Hundred, perfectly crafted knives. Knives of all kinds, from hunting daggers to whittling knives, all made from Silverite or Dungeon Titanium, or both.

--- Rains POV ---

We traveled through my homeland again, and I said goodbye. "It'll be about seven months before they send another expedition, but I'll try to be in it." I said to my mother and father and little sister.

Mother nodded. "Alright... Be safe, my son, and don't do anything I wouldn't do. It's a short list, but they're bad and stupid things."

"I won't, mother." I said, and hugged her, the shook fathers hand, grinning. I hugged my sister, and she sighed.

"I'll see you on the next expedition, bruder. If you're not here, I'm coming to you, understand?" She said.

I laughed. "Sure, sure. Just come up the tower to the smithies in floor 20-23. Someone there will know we're to find me. And don't break anything. I'll have to pay for it."

She grinned. "Hmm? Maybe I'll do it on purpose then, hmm?"

I laughed and nodded. "I suppose you might, you evil little pup." I hopped in the cart with Mariposa, Oscar, Jack and Sam, seeing as we had decided to be a permanent party. Jack whipped the reigns, and the newt he'd tamed started hauling like an Oxen.

I set an <Iron Hide> pelt in my lap, and a Newt Ember on it, and made a temporary forge in the back of the cart. I started making weapons, as I heard Wallenstein fighting and killing the dungeon boss, the Reaper. I didn't lift a finger, and kept smithing my little weapons cache bigger and bigger.

I decided I was going to make a <Little Knife Shop>, which was basically a stall in the market or the Hephaestus store with Herr Hephaestus's blessing.'I'll sell knives and scalpels to doctors, and then sell a grimoire with my compression magic to mages. I'm a businessman, and I knew what to do to make Capital, even though I usually aimed for some tasty fish or such. Maybe I'll open a clinic, to heal people for cheap. Cost being a mana potion, or something like food. I don't like the idea of determining a wounds worth.

I formed a plan in my head for the building. 'Level one will be the actual shop, selling regular doctors supplies and also Mage scrolls and grimoire's I'll make myself. Level two will be my workshop... And the basement will be where I keep the dragons, and take the scales and bones from them I need, daily... And my money, as well. I won't need a bank. I'll have 5 Adult dragons and an Elder as guards. Try to steal from me, thieves. Ha! But I'll have to take the dragons to do that, which is okay. That was my idea anyway.

We stopped for the night, and I finished the Silverite Dirk in my hand, and setting it on the rag with the others to be sharpened, and rolled it up, packing away my smithing things in my backpack.


I spent the next few days between four basic activities. Making knives from ore I got from the dungeon, killing monsters and collecting the drop items.  Then making things from those items, taming and training the dragons , and healing the wounds of the adventurers. It was a month to our destination, and a month back, so I had plenty of time. We went up a floor a day, and rested in each safe zone two days. 30 floors, one safe zone(F18), so 32 days. Simple. I made a lot of weapons in that time, and mended a few for adventurers.

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