Chapter One

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Selena's P.O.V
"Mija levántate se te va hacer tarde para ir a la escuela." My mother woke me up. I wasn't really forward to go to school considering this whole weekend was literally the worst. First of all my boyfriend Blake broke up with me because I wasn't giving him what he wanted. Want to know what that is? Sex. Yep. I didn't want to rush things, but he did. And this wasn't the first time that this has happened to me. I don't get why guys aren't sweet and caring like in the movies. And don't just want to have sex with the girls. I'm starting to not believe in those love stories, or romantic things from books and movies. Happy endings don't happen in real life. But whatever. I just hope our brake up isn't the talk of the school because I'm not in the mood at all for 'oh my god I can't believe they broke up' or 'are you ok' shit.
I began to get ready by brushing my teeth and washing my face. I decided to not go all dress up today so I just wore some skinny jeans and my favorite pink (from Victoria secret) shirt. As for my make up I just wore mascara, and I put my hair in a bun. I looked at myself in the mirror and though I looked fine for someone who just got dumped like two days ago. I walked down stairs and said goodbye to my mom, dad and younger brother.
As soon as I got to school, and made my way down the hall, people looked at me and shook their heads. Then their were other people whispering towards each other What the hell? Just what I didn't want to happen is seriously happening. I went up to my best friend Ally, as soon as I was by her she snapped at me. "Sel what the hell? You said you were never gonna loose your virginity to someone who pressured you!" "What? I never lost my virginity." "Why is Blake telling everyone, that you let him take your virginity, and that that's the only reason he was with you?" "I don't know. But are you seriously gonna believe him?" She remained silent and then spoke "I'm sorry Sel." "It's fine. I'll see you in a bit."
I was furious how could he? I finally spotted him with his group of friends, as I walked up to him, he turned around. "Oh hey Sel." He smirked, I slapped him with all my strength. "Whoa! What was that for?" He asked while holding his cheek. "You think it's ok to go and tell people I lost my virginity to you? And that that's the only reason you were with me. We both know it's not true. So quit telling them that, because I swear-" "oh c'mon you're not gonna do anything. Look every guy needs to take advantage of a girl who has never lost her v card, even if it means lying, and the last part was true. Why do you think I broke up with you?" Ouch. "Go fuck yourself." I slapped him again and stormed off with tears in my eyes. What a dick.
I couldn't take it anymore, I began to sob as I walked. Everything was a lie? How could he do this to me? God I thought this was gonna be different than my previous relationships. I made my way to the girls restroom to let it all. Ally quickly came in, which I'm assuming saw everything. She immediately pulled me into a huge hug and rubbed my back. "Hey, don't cry anymore! Everything is going to be fine. Forget about him, Sel I promise you will find someone better. How about later we hang out, watch funny movies and eat junk food?" She always knows how to cheer me up! "Yes! Thanks Ally. I really need that, I'll meet you after school." And the best friend of the year goes to Ally.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this! This story has been inspired by the song 'the first time' so yeh. Lol make sure to vote & comment for more! Joel will be in the next chapter.

The First Time // Joel PimentelWhere stories live. Discover now