Chapter 22

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                     -Selena's P.O.V-
                    *a few weeks later*

The tour so far has been a success. I have met so many nice fans, but have met some rude ones.

I found it cray how the girls cried as they met the boys. I always stayed backstage just because I didn't want any attention.

Yoandri, was a special guest, so he went onstage with the boys. Leaving me all by myself.

Right now I'm backstage hearing the guys perform 'Tan fácil'.

"Porque tú me miras y yo, siento lo mismo que tú. Cuando te miro siento que me estoy enamorando
Porque tú me miras y yo, siento lo mismo que tú. Cuando te miro siento que me estoy enamorando"

They sang the chorus perfect, but of course my attention was going out to my boyfriend.

He sang his part, making me melt inside. I love hearing him sing, it can make my day, it just makes me very happy.

"Thank you Colorado!" Yoandri spoke. "Muchas gracias por venir!" Chris added to Yoandri's sentence.


After the show Joel came in and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Hey baby." He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"Hey." I smiled. "So I've been asked to do an interview with my girlfriend, wanna do it?" Oh what the heck, what could possibly go wrong?

"Sure. When?" I asked. "Like right now." He said looking at his phone. He grabbed my hand and let me to a corner by backstage.

"Hi Joel! Are you and Sel ready?" Chris Trondsen asked us. Joel replied with a simple yes.

"Hey guys I'm here with Jelena, the most talk about couple for what seems months now." Chris introduced us with our ship name.

"Hey guys it's Joel Pimentel and this is my girlfriend Selena Reyes." I waved to the camera.

"So you guys have been dating for almost 6 months is that correct?" "Yup." I giggled.

"Sel what is it like to be Joel's girlfriend?" "Um it's great. He's genuinely a great guy, and has helped me in so many ways." I said proudly.

"Now I know that Joel has a best friend name Yoandri, how did he react to when you guys made it official." Chris asked.

"Oh he didn't take it well. They have a great friendship and bromance it's seriously hilarious, but he said I stole his potato from him, and he said Joel cheated on him." I laughed remembering the moment we told him.

"Yeah, he approved though which was good. He just has to understand I'm taken now." Joel laughed.

Chris and I laughed. "So Joel why does Yoandri call you potato?" "I really don't know. He called me that one day and it stuck around ever since." Joel chuckled.

"No reason? Haha, anyways you guys have dated for six months, and I know in the beginning the fans weren't as happy about it, Sel how did you deal with so much hate?"

"It's not easy, especially if it's someone from a boy band haha, I honestly didn't know how to take it, but I was glad Joel helped me. He will call, message me, and check on me every day..."

"We made a deal too, we had to stop listening to others and just focus on us, and the fans support us more than they did when we first began dating." Joel finished off for me.

It's true the fans are supporting us more now.

"See this is why you guys are goals." Chris chuckled. "Have you guys had any future talks?" He asked.

"Uh yeah. We have our plans." Joel smiled.

"Is marriage one of them?" Chris asked.

"Yes." Joel answered proudly. "Invite me to the wedding and invite Lucy Hale because she is bae." Chris said, causing me and Joel to laugh.

"Sure will." I giggled. "It's been great having you guys. I wish you guys the best and can't wait for y'alls future." Chris said.

"Thank you Chris!" I told him. Joel grabbed me by my hand and intertwined our fingers together.

He released my hand, and I admired my promise ring. I couldn't wait for the future.

"Hey babe you know I love you right?" Joel told me.

"Yes. I love you so much Joel." I said.

"Maybe I love you will be our always?" Joel said. Ugh he's so corny but I love him.

"Maybe." I smiled.


Aye lol I hope y'all liked
this chapter. Sorry if
it sucked! But thank
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