Chapter Seven

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A/N: I have a new book out. It's about all of the boys & they're imagines so go request, if you want one!
                  Selena's P.O.V
      "Hello?" (Hello from Adele lmao k Gtgtgtgtg) "Joel? I know things got awkward but can you please pick me up as soon as you can?" I cried out. "Yeah sure I'll be there in a few minutes, are you ok?" I sighted in relief. "Nope. I'll explain everything." "Ok I will be there as fast as I can."

Joel didn't take long, he came in about 10 minutes. "Sel what's wrong?" He said embracing me in a hug. "Joel can we please go somewhere else to talk?" He agreed and drove off, the whole car ride I was crying. I couldn't help it, how can my family go down the hill like that? Why was my dad acting up like that? He hit me, he has never done that to me. I was interrupted from my thoughts when Joel said we were here. I looked around and saw we were at a really big and nice house. We went inside and he brought me up to his room.

          "Okay Sel now tell me what's wrong?" "My dad.. He umm he was pulling my moms hair, and the whole house had broken glass and broken pictures.. And he h-hhit me." I cried out, most likely broke down. Joel quickly came next to me and wrapped his arms around me protectively. I felt safe.

  "Oh I'm so sorry Sel, you can stay the night here. I promise you will be safe with me. Nothing and no one can ever hurt you as long as you're with me." By now we were laying down in his bed, he had one arm around me as I looked the opposite direction from him "Thank you so much Joel. I honestly don't know what I will do without you." I turned around to face him and send him a half smile. "You're welcome. Anything for you. Can I ask you something though?" I gave him a 'mhm' "Why did you walk away when I asked you out?" I let out a sigh, sooner or later I had to tell him.

"I'm gonna tell you the truth. I have really strong feelings for you, I have been trying to push them away because I don't want my heart to be broken. It always happens. I don't think you're like that but I didn't want to risk it..."

"I will never do that to you. I have really strong feelings for you. Like really strong feelings, I will one day love to say you're mine. I will wait and I will fight for you. I will show you to love again."

"Joel I will love to go on a date with you. You have done so much for me, you have already showed me you really care for me, so Joel Pimentel I will love to go out with you." His face lit up, "Really? Thank you Sel! I promise you won't regret it." "I know. You're a great guy. Goodnight Joel." I kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arms around my waist, I once again felt safe. I love the feeling of feeling safe with him. He really is a great guy. Well today has been a bitter sweet thanks to Joel my day became better. I just hope Joel doesn't brake my heart.

      A/N: Vote & comment for more! (: finally some Jelena!!! Longer chapter by tonight!!

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